カテゴリー 全て - education - purpose - identity - motivation

によって Kayleigh Van Deusen 2年前.



Kayleigh explores her evolving sense of identity and motivation, describing herself as a person on a journey, guided by spiritual inclinations and a desire to serve a greater purpose.


Christ the Master Teacher

Recognizes Weaknesses

3 Nephi 17:3 shows how the Savior gave the Nephites time to prepare their minds. He knew that they were weak and not ready to receive more than what he had given them thus far. Being a great teacher requires recognition of where your students are at, and tailoring your teaching to their needs in that moment. By allowing them the opportunity to improve and prepare, they will be more equipped to succeed.
Tool: pretests and non graded check ups
Doctrine: There is potential in everyone

Clearly Explained

3 Nephi 12 shows how Christ is the Master Teacher by how he sets his expectations. He clearly explained what they needed to do, and how they could accomplish it. He didn't have to give them step by step instructions or watch their every move, but they knew what the end goal was and received the tools to accomplish it. By being straight forward students can have the direction they need without being suffocated by step by step instructions.
Doctrine: Have to explain the commandment before you can expect it to be kept
Tool: Syllabus but also in class explanations

This is the picture that I think best represents Christ as the Master Teacher. He is smiling, which suggests the need to be encouraging and share love. It has a bright background, which suggests the need to light up the place that you are in, and make it a place where learning is possible. He is looking straight at the camera, which creates a feeling of honesty and alertness. He looks prepared to listen and ready to respond

Hopes and Endures

Moroni 7:45 describes charity, but when we place the Savior's name instead of the word "Charity", it shows us how perfect he really is. All of the qualities listed in that verse contribute to why the Savior is the Master Teacher. He has endless patience, he isn't easily provoked and thinketh no evil. Being a teacher requires patience and endurance, and requires the benefit of the doubt.
Doctrine: Don't give up

Promised Blessings

3 Nephi 12 is a great example of how the Savior promises blessings to those that he is teaching. I think that one of the best ways to motivate students is to help them understand what the benefits are from what they are learning. For example: i hated math, until I understood that it was one of the most helpful things on the planet. When I learned how to use Excel and write equations to help me budget and save money, my entire outlook changed. Promising blessings and helping students see the positive outcomes makes a difference in their lives.
Tool: real world scenarios in homework

Set an example

Christ is the Master Teacher because he sets a perfect example to those that he is teaching. In 2 Nephi 31, we Savior showed us the way first not by just telling, but by doing. If I want my students to plant seeds instead of collect sticks, I have to do that. I have to learn with them and show them that I love it. In my own experience, teachers who have learned with me have inspired me the most!
Tool: Discussion time in class, providing students with the opportunity to see you learning as well
Doctrine: lead by doing

Kayleigh's Personal Essential Questions

What is worth teaching?

That's a trick question. I feel like something is worth teaching if it makes life better. The problem is that what makes life better for someone else, doesn't necessarily do that for their neighbor. I think the key thing though is to remember that even the most mundane and seemingly useless things can build up and become something of extreme usefulness. For example: learning where to place a comma may not be the most important thing in the world, but by learning where a comma goes and why allows someone to one day hear a writers voice and better analyze their works. The small thing builds up to something of greater importance.

How do I learn?

I learn by doing. I have to put forth the effort or what I'm "learning" won't stick. When I don't put forth very much effort, I don't retain anything.

Upon what foundation are U.S. schools built?

U.S. schools are built on the foundation of bettering the world through education. Now that doesn't mean that we carry out that goal very well, but we place value on education so that we can keep the world moving forward.

What is the role of schools in society?

Realistically, I think that the role of schools in society isn't to have educate students. The role of schools in society, or it's goal I guess you could say, is to educate students so that we can get gain. It's so that we can have smart people to keep our country at the top. It's a place where we learn how to define ourselves, whether that be intelligent, dumb, artistic, athletic, etc.

What is my work as learner and teacher?

My work is to make life better. As a learner, I make life better for myself. I am able to open up my mind and explore, and better prepare myself to be a teacher. As a teacher, I make life better for others. I help them to experience life in a new way, to open up THEIR minds and see things in a different life. My work is to make life more exciting by helping people reach their untapped potential.

How do I view those I teach?

I view people that I teach as opportunities. Opportunities to learn, opportunities to share knowledge, opportunities to serve and be helpful. The people I teach have minds ready to be molded, and if I'm going to be the sculptor I want to make sure that I'm ready to help them reach their potential.

Who am I and what motivates me?

I don't think that that is something that I will ever be able to completely explain or define. Every person has so many identities and self-definitions. One way to describe myself right at this moment is "a person on a journey". Very poetic, I know. (; I'm just starting to figure out my own beliefs, I feel like I'm beginning my life and forming my own opinions. I'm motivated by the Spirit. When I feel like something is right, I want to go for it. That can be something as simple as an assignment that interests me and that I know will be beneficial, to receiving a prompting that BYUI is the school that I need to go to or that I need to serve a mission. So overall I guess I'm motivated by the desire to be serving a greater purpose.