によって Tyson Wicks 3年前.
what is light
Light interacts with various objects and surfaces in multiple ways. Objects that emit their own light, such as the sun, stars, light bulbs, and candles, are known as luminous objects.
what is light non lominous objects rocks metals moon trees non luminous objects do not make there own light electromagnetic spectrum microwaves infared visable light ultra violet x rays gamma absobtion of light darker colours colourd objects water metal lumonois objects sun light bulb candle stars fireflies luminous objects are objects that make light reflection diffuse reflection diffuse relection is where light hits off a very rough surface making different angles of reflection. real image a real image is where light rays hit off a mirror
then all comes together specular reflection where a beam of light hits a flat surface virtual images virtual images are rays of light that spead after hitting off a mirror or refective object angle of incidence a point of incidence is the exact angle of where a ray of light hit of a mirror mirrors a mirror is a reflective object that reflects light lights transmission sun rays going through water or class this is a good example because the sun is cery bright and has alot of light rays and the water and glass is very translucent/transparent light transmission is where passes through an object refraction normal a normal is the exact point of incidence where the light hits medium a medium is an objects that transfers light from one object to another change of direction fo a ray of light