カテゴリー 全て - evidence - retail - research

によって Michael Britt 4年前.


Where FNPs Work

Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) have various career paths, each offering unique experiences depending on the work environment. One option is long-term care facilities or nursing homes, ideal for those who prefer building lasting relationships with patients and working at a generally slower pace.

Where FNPs Work

Where FNPs Work

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Hospice and Palliative Care Services

What Are Palliative Care and Hospice Care?
4 Reasons to Consider a Career as an Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner
Long Term Care.gov
Difference between Palliative and Hospice care
Some nurses are drawn to working with those who are in the final stages of battling with conditions such as cancer and Parkinson’s. The term “palliative care” refers to the kind of care given to patients who are still receiving treatment in hopes of a recovery. Palliative care nurses assist these patients with their medications, make sure they are as comfortable as possible, and provide emotional support. If the medical team decides that death will mostly likely occur within 6 months, the patient may be provided with a hospice nurse during these final months. Both palliative and hospice nurses might work with the patient in the hospital, a nursing home or assisted living center, a hospice center, or in the patient’s home.

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Convenient Care (e.g., Retail) Clinics

What are the Pros and Cons of Retail, Urgent Care Clinics?
Convenient Care Association
Retail Clinics current status in the U.S.
You may have noticed that large chain stores, such as Target and Walmart, have an area of the store set aside for a clinic. These stores, as well as places such as CVS Minute Clinics, Rite Aid Rediclinics, are new locations where nurses can work. If you were working in a clinic like this you would be involved in many aspects of healthcare, such as giving flu shots, treating minor injuries, fevers and colds, immunizations, COVID-19 testing, etc. There is a surprising number of healthcare activities patients can access at these clinics. Check out the CVS and Rite Aid clinic webpages to get a larger list of the kind of services they provide.

Physician’s Offices or Private Practice

Private Practice

Is an FNP Program Right for Me?
Private Practice Doctor and FNP Preceptor Talks Working the COVID-19 Front Lines
How Can an NP Start & Own Their Own Practice?
Helpful Videos
Day in the Life of a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner in Private Practice
What I Love About Private Practice
Opening Your Own Private Practice
If none of the other settings look good to you, and you’ve got an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire for autonomy, then you might want to look into opening your own, or joining, a private practice. First thing to know is that not all states permit nurses to open their own practice. The Nursing License Map is one website you can use to find out more about that. The desire for autonomy can be compelling, but owning your own practice involves many activities you may or may not want to get involved in. For example, you would now have to pay your own malpractice insurance. Also, you’ll have to learn more about insurance reimbursements, finding a good location, and how you’re going to advertise your business. Check out the resources we provide here to get more information about what it’s like to work in a private practice setting.

Long-term Care Facilities and Nursing Homes

if you would prefer to work with the same patients over longer periods of time and you prefer a little slower pace (at least most of the time), then long-term health facilities might be where you want to focus your nursing career. Locations like these offer nurses a chance to develop longer term relationships with their patients. It’s important to be a good listener. Keep in mind that there may be a fair amount of physical activity required in this position, as you’ll be helping patients get up and sit down, take baths, and do other activities of daily living. Not surprisingly, family nurse practitioners will want to specialize in gerontology.

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Outpatient and Ambulatory Care Settings

Useful Links
Telehealth and Telemedicine
Wikipedia: Ambulatory care nursing
The Role of the Nurse in Ambulatory Care (PDF download)
Ambulatory care nursing — quickly evolving and in demand
American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
An “outpatient setting” refers to any setting where patients are diagnosed and treated and then leave the same day. Such settings include community health centers, retail clinics, Public health clinics, imaging centers, and physical therapy centers to name a few. The American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing has a great position paper entitled, “The Role of the Registered Nurse in Ambulatory Care” you might want to read. Unlike nursing in long-term care facilities, the amount of time you spend with patients is briefer. Ambulatory care nursing — quickly evolving and in demand Another thing to know about ambulatory care is that because of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more of them are involved in Telehealth and Telemedicine activities.

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Acute (or Urgent) Care Centers

One nurse's experience in acute care
American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine (AAUCM)
Local urgent care centers have become common since first appearing in the ‘70s and here’s another place nurses can find work People typically come to urgent care centers when they can’t get an appointment with their regular doctor or when the issue is relatively minor and they think they will get attention more quickly than at their local hospital. Unlike other places nurses can work (see below), the type of care needed is unpredictable, you’ll see new patients every day, and the pace of work can be quick. This fast pace also means that you’ll be getting a variety of experiences and it’s good training for recent graduates.

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4 Nursing Specialties with a Positive Job Outlook
When people think of nurses, they probably think of them in the context of a hospital and that’s understandable. In hospitals, nurses here can be involved in the treatment of minor cuts and bruises to assisting physicians in surgery. Exactly what they do depends, in part on whether they have specialized in their course work and have earned credentials in areas like Pediatrics, Oncology, Gerontology, Women’s Health, Informatics, etc. You should definitely learn more about these specializations.

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Universities and Research Agencies

Why choose a nursing career in primary care research?
American journal of nursing
International Association of Clinical Research Nurses
Association of Clinical Research Professionals
Nurses want to be sure they’re giving the kind of care that will result in the best patient outcomes. Nursing is, after all, an evidence based practice. Suppose you notice that patients seem to accept a physician’s treatment recommendations more readily when the physician is the same race as the patient. Beyond your observation, is there any evidence that there are benefits to physician-patient “racial concordance”? There definitely is evidence for this (e.g., Adherence to cardiovascular disease medications: does patient-provider race/ethnicity and language concordance matter?). Suppose you have a patient who has done some online research and they tell you about a new cure for their ailment. Does it really work? Where’s the evidence in favor or against? Research begins with curiosity. Nurses who turn that curiousity into formal studies where data is collected and anlayzed are nurse reseasrchers. If this is your orientation then you would probably find yourself working at a university or large medical facilities.