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によって Alex Thai 6年前.


Writing an Essay

The text provides guidance on crafting an essay, particularly focusing on the analysis of Gatsby's death from "The Great Gatsby." It emphasizes understanding the sequence of events leading to Gatsby'

Writing an Essay

Gatsby's death

What's your essay about?

:::::::::::::Type in the title of your essay.

STEP: Outline

Work on the structure of your essay

In conclusion, I do not agree with way people look at life in 1920s, that caused many problems due to money because it caused a tragic ending in the story, the death of Jay Gatsby.

Highlight a future prediction

:::::based on what you have shown in the essay.

Daisy deliberately killed Myrtle when she knew that Tom has an affair with Myrtle, that shows us Daisy is heartless. The death of Myrtle led to the death of Jay Gatsby. And if Daisy did not kill Myrtle, everything would be different that could prevent Gatsby’s death.

Summarize your essay

by restating the main ideas of your thesis and body paragraphs. Type them in.

Body Paragraphs

Develop the ideas

first presented in the introduction.

Finally, I think the way to prevent the death of Jay Gatsby is Daisy should not kill Myrtle, they should tell the truth about their affairs that would help they understand what’s going on, and find the best way to solve the problem.

Type in a one-line sentence

::::::::to describe the third body paragraph.

Secondly, the death of Jay Gatsby is caused by the death of Myrtle before. After Wilson knew that Myrtle died, he asks Tom the address of Gatsby’s house. Wilson came there and shot Gatsby, and he also shot himself.

Type in a one-line sentence

to describe the second body paragraph.

Firstly, Daisy killed Myrtle Wilson because she knows Tom has an affair with Myrtle. When Daisy, Gatsby, Nick , Jordan and Tom were at Tom’s house for lunch, but unfortunately the weather was so hot so Daisy suggested they go to the town for lunch.

Type in a one-line sentence

::::::::to describe the first body paragraph.

First paragraph: Introduction

The introductory paragraph

should contain several elements that will catch the interest of your audience.

I do not agree with the way people look at life in 1920s, that caused many problems due to money.

Choose the strongest idea to build your essay around it

Ask yourself where you are going with this essay and why. Use the arguments found in other essays for your writing, but also brainstorm for original ideas. Write the thesis statement to summarize it.

Informative sentences

Daisy did not stop her car that hit Myrtle, and she died right away. The way that Daisy chose to killed Myrtle shows us that she is very heartless, she killed Myrtle by hit her car to Myrtle because she knows Tom has an affair with Myrtle. The death of Myrtle led to the death of Gatsby, that reflected the main cause of the deaths are money in the relationships, that make their marriage become unhappy. And the final reason I think related to Gatsby’s death is people chose the wrong ways to resolve the conflict happening between them.

Provide details about the subject you will address

Write a couple of sentences that provide details about the subject you will address in the body of your essay.

The Great Gatsby is a story that tells about the American dream in 1920s , and the unhappy marriage that lead to the affairs beyond marriages, the final consequence is Gatsby is shot by Wilson.

Write a catchy first sentence to engage your audience

What interesting anecdotes, quotes, or trivial facts have you discovered while researching your topic? Use them to write your sentence.

STEP: Analysis

Please continue by analyzing other essays written on this topic.

Find at least one example of related essay and see whether it is well written or not.


Type in the title and the author(s)

of the essay which you're going to analyze.


Wilson came to Gatsby's mansion and shot Gatsby, and then he also shot himself.

The death of Myrtle led to the death of Jay Gatsby

Is the logical sequence of the essay accurate or faulty?

Follow the relationships between the claims and the evidence. List a couple of reasons.


Gatsby said, “Anyhow - Daisy stepped on it. I tried to make her stop, but she couldn’t so I pull on the emergency brake. Then she fell over into my lap and I drove on” (Fitzgerald 154).

What evidence do(es) the author(s) present?

Type in the evidence.
[[File|Add a file if necessary.]]


Gatsby's death loudly marks the end of an era.

What claims do(es) the author(s) make?

Type them in.

STEP: Research Sources

Begin working on your essay by researching your topic.

Utilize the internet, the academic databases, and the library. Add brief descriptions of all the resources you will use to write your essay. Make sure you write down your sources in the correct citation format so that you don't have to go back and look them up again later.


List second-hand information:

comments on, interpretations of, or discussions about the original material.


What secondary source(s)

will you take into account for your research? Type it (them) in.


List first-hand information:

historical and legal documents, eyewitness accounts, results of experiments, statistical data, pieces of creative writing.


What primary source(s)

will you take into account for your research? Type it (them) in.