7th Grade Poetry

SOL 7.5: The student will read and demonstrate comprehnsion of a variety of fiction, narrative nonfiction, and poetry

7.5b) Compare and contrast forms, including short stories, novels, plays, folk lit, poetry, essays, and biographies.

7.5c) Describe the impact of word choice, imagery, and poetic devices.

7.5d) Explain how form, including rhyme, rhythm, line structure, and punctuation, conveys the mood and meaning of a poem.

7.5e) Draw conclusions based on explicit and implied information

7.5f) Make inferences based on explicit adn implied information.

7.5g) Summarize text

SOL 7.1:The student will give and seek information in conversations, in group discussions, and in oral presentations.

7.1b) Communicate ideas and information orally in an organized and succient manner

7.1c) Ask probing questions to seek elaboration and clarification of ideas.

3 Overall Learning Goals!!!

The students will develop an appreciation for poetry.

The student will become familar with poetry terms and poetic devices.

The students will demonstrate an ability to discuss and anaylze poems.

3 Possible Learning Objectives

COGNITIVE: Given a simple poem, the student will be able to anaylze for poetic terms and devices such as metaphor, personification, irony, foreshadowing, etc.

AFFECTIVE: The student will voluntarily seek out other poems to read and enjoy.

PSYCHOMOTOR: During the time a poem is being read to them, the student will sketch their feelings and thoughts in a Guided Imagery assingment.