Ableism in Schools : Combating Ableism in Schools
Keith Storey

Cultural Ableism within schools

Medical Model

The medical model of disability locates the disability within the body. This maintains the concept that disabilities require medical intervention or "fixing". This can often be replicated in Special Education Classrooms.

Use of psychoeducational assessments


Students engage in ABA therapy

Classroom Removal


Diagnoses takes the forefront of the conversation

Accommodations and Modifications are given to the student in an effort to assimilate them with their same-age peers.

There is a system of analysis of the disability/body/mind

Assumptions of Disability

Learning Disabilities

Students are lazy and shouldn't need to be accommodated otherwise it will act as a crutch to their long term skills.

A diagnosed learning disability will prevent a student from being accepted into university or the idea that you aren't capable of Post Secondary Education.

Physical Disabilities

Projected pity onto the student

Limited understanding of how to modify movement or centre a physically disabled student in activities.

Intellectual Disabilities

Students should be removed from classes

The incorporation of students with intellectual disabilities in a mainstream classroom will bring down the overall achievement of non-disabled students.

Not given opportunities to pursue meaningful post secondary education / work.

Combating Ableism

Ability Awareness

Recognizing that accessibility is proactive and accommodations are reactive

Consider the Rights Based Disability Model; increase the agency of students to require their needs are met with advocacy training (for either student or parent)

Identifying which disabilities are not well represented in the content or culture of the school.

How can disabled students work to represent themselves through student government/ school wide initiatives.

Identify which disabilities are well represented and whether they are part of the community or not.

Professional Development

Understanding Disabilities

Professional Development that gives teachers an opportunity to understand what it's like to have an LD.

Not limited to spec ed teacher.

Disability Content

Creating points of inclusion such as ASL club, Disability Pride Club, Equity Club.

Use modern representations of disabled people as experts in their field not just as people with a disability.

Hiring Teachers with Disabilities

Disabled people need to be more visible in schools, not just as guest speakers or as role models but as teachers, administrators, libraries ect.