ASSIGNMENT 3.1: Defending North America - Choices for Canada JunHeeLee
the scrapping of the avro arrow
There was little demand for the avro arrow
It was not sure whether avro arrow will be effective or not
Bomarc missile can be an alternate the avro arrow and less expensive
The cost of making avro arrow was too expensive, it would cost 2 billion dollars by 1964
They could have be the technological leader in the time period when the project was not scrapped
If the project was not scrapped, than Canadian Air Force would gain much power and advantage
Avro arrow project was created many jobs and it was generating employment. It would help Canada’s economy if the project continued.
When avro arrow was built, it would strengthen the national pride
Canada's Acceptance of Nuclear Weapons in 1963
Canada would have equivalent power with its partner, th United States, so they would be more closer
If nuclear weapons were not accepted, Canada's economy might suffer from not being able to make a deal or trade with united States
Canada become one of the advanced country by accepting nuclear weapon
Canada's military power and reputation was enhanced because communist countries did not see Canada as a weak nation
As a peacekeeping nation, Canada should not use nuclear weapons
As a part of United Nations, it would be contradictory to be involved with nuclear weapons
It costs very much to run the nuclear project
The use of nuclear weapons will destroy the earth, where we live
Canada's Role in the Cuban Missile Crisis
North America was focused and threatend by the Cuban missiles
When Canada does not support United States, the relationship between them will be deteriorated
Canada should stop communist threats
Canada should support Americans so they can get a protection from United States
Canada hase their own independence to choose whether to join it or not join it
Cuba did not do anything apparently
Prime Minister John Diefenbaker did not want Canada to get involved in this
Canada will not be involved in a conflict between Russia and U.S