Ergogenic Aids

Types of Ergogenic Aids

Pharmacological Aid

Medicine; Paracetamol

Nutritional Aid

Substances/Energy sources; Gatorade

Psychological Aid

Mental; Yoga

Physiological Aid

Sport massage

Mechanical Aid

Machine/Tools; Treadmill

The Dilemma of Drug Testing

Opposition of drug testing

Opposed mandatory to drug test

Athlete argue they are being single out for drug test

Thawarting Drug Testing

Drug test only detect specific and banned chemical

Athlete know how to cycle on and off the banned drug

They will tapper off before competition

Justification Drug Testing

Organisation knows what's best for society

Only banning ergogenic aids will compete in fair on their ability

Educating Drug Use in Sport

Introduce the good and bad of ergogenic aids in moral education

Concern athlete about reality health risk associate drug test

Other Related Issues

Health problem

Weight gain or loss

Possible change

Substances, techniques or material that work to increase performance.

Uses of Ergogenic Aids


Subtances react to nervous activity



Slow down the central nervous system

Breathing and heart rate


Blood Doping

Blood transfusions

Increase oxygen

Human Growth Hormone

To stimulate cell production

Skin (Flawless)

Anabolic Steroid

Synthetic Variation

Bulking muscle

Beta blocker

Forcing with lower blood pressure

Reduce heart rate