Gender equity
The same proportion of girls and boys enter and complete schooling.
All people, without distinction, have the same rights and duties towards the State.
Equality in the learning process is when:
girls and boys receive the same treatment and attention and have equal opportunities.
People get access to the same opportunities.
Is necessary that authorities, teachers and parents are involved to select, organize and share knowledge.
Biological development and health
Brain development before birth
There are two processes that contribute to the brain development: the molecular events (gene expression) and the impact of the environment.
Growth and development stages in infants and children.
First stage: development for motor, language, social, sensory and thinking skills.
Child development covers the following skills: Cognition, Social interaction, Speech and Language, Physical skills etc.
is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.
There is a growth spurt during adolescence.
The boys become heavier and taller than girls.
Sexual maturation or puberty begins at different ages depending on genetic and environmental factors.
The brain development the frontal lobe is responsible for judgment, impulse, and control and planning are still maturing.
How health affects a child and an adolescent´s school performance.
Factors for having good health.
genetics, the environment, relationships, level of education and income.
School performance and various health concerns includes
Poor sleep
Importance of breakfast
Chronic health problems