Art Education

Age Level:
High School

Generative Topic:
(Focus area is fine art and drawing)

drawing faces

drawing bodies


drawing buildings

golden ratio

rule of thirds

for naturalistic art, must know correct proportions

for abstract art, must know proportions and how to distort or break them

animation, consistency in character dimensions

Basically if you know how to adjust size and shape based on where everything else in the drawing is located, and know how to properly create line quality, you can draw anything.


Must know ratios of chemicals to add or it can create the wrong final product, which can sometimes be dangerous.


Found in fractions and other ratios. Calculate relationships between the sizes of parts, and figure out placement accordingly. Can be used for arranging pieces aesthetically as well as functionally.


Aesthetic proportions for making a building's facade visually appealing. Structural relationships to make sure the building does not collapse. Proportions used when measuring walls and floors to be covered. When constructing domes or arches, must proportion so that the structure does not fall over or get too heavy, weight must be evenly distributed.