Getting to School in the Winter


Kids on the bus are loud.

I get cold outside while I wait on the bus.

The bus is warm when I get on.

I get to be seat partners with my best friend.

Sometimes my friend isn't on the bus.

This makes me lonely.


I have to wear more clothes because it is winter.

I still get really cold on my way to school.

I get to play in the snow.

My teachers don't like when I get my clothes wet from the snow.

I have to change out of my wet clothes at school.

I have to be really careful to not fall on ice.

Parent Drives

I am really warm on my way to school.

I get to listen to Christmas music.

My mom and I sing together.

I get to pick my favorite song.

My get to spend time with my mom.

My mom gives me hot chocolate on the way to school.