Powers of Congress

Expressed wartime Powers

Clause 11

To declare war

Clause 12

To raise and support armies

Clause 14

Clause 14 To make laws governing land and naval forces

Clause 13

To make laws governing land and naval forces

Clause 16

To provide for organizing arming, and discipline

Expressed Peactime Powers

clause 1

impose and collect taxes, duties, and excises

implied power to establish the irs

Clause 2

borrow money

Clause 3

regulate foreign trade and interstate commerce

Clause 9

create courts inferior to the Supreme Court

Clause 8

grant patents and copyrights

Powers Denied to Congress

10th amendment

Limits Congress as they Can't interfere with the powers of the states (voting and education)

Expost Facto Laws

Congress can't pass laws that make an act a crime after the act was committed (before the law was passed)


State also has that power (borrow money and collect taxes)

Bill of Attainder

Congress can't pass laws that someone punish someone without a jury trial

Writ of Habeas Corpus

Congress can't suspend this. Court order that requires the police to bring a prisoner to court and explain why that person is being detained.

Non Legislative Powers


a charge of misconduct made against the holder of a public office.

power to choose a president

is a joint session of congress to count electoral votes

confirmation power

senate has the power to approve presidential appointments or federal officials

ratification power

gives senate exclusive power to ratify treaties between the united states and other nations

removal power

grants congress the power to remove any federal official from office