Grade Inflation is a significant problem in education
Failing students is harder than passing them
Some surveyed teachers reported passing underperforming students to avoid dealing with the consequences
Parents can fight teachers to keep their kids from failing classes
The school system does not allow teachers to give the grades students deserve
Passing underperforming students is detrimental to those students
Students who continue on to higher education without being prepared are not equipped to do well
Both two and four year colleges are spending more resources on remedial education in recent years
Minimum grade policies are beneficial
They allow students to recover their grades if they put in effort
Only minimal effort is required to go from a 50 to a 60 to pass, this does not demonstrate that the material was learned
Failing students is detremental to their mental health and self-esteem
Students who fail classes may feel that they are less intelligent and worth less than their peers who do
Most students who fail did so because they did not care about passing