How to create a good presentation
Creating the presentation
Depending on how much time you have
1 slide / 2 minutes is recommended
Avoid complicated formulas which may take time to be read or understood
Stick to the idea
Try to present the result first
Presentation parts
Introductory part should be a short presentation about you, the product, or main idea you focus on
Start off with a joke
"Today we are going to talk about..."
Related story to your presentation
Focused part of presentation
Keep it simple
People like numbers, but not only numbers
DO NOT just read it, try to explain it
Again, very important DO NOT OVERKILL
Give a outline slide after chapters and show people what's coming up in your presentation
Final part
Give a conclusion
Show a slide with what you have done or proved
Ask questions about your presentation
Be brief

Stock images
Tool of choice
Remote controller
Laser Pen
Backup the presentation on a a usb stick
Identify your audience
Who are they?
What do they do?
Level of knowledge
Draft structure of ideas and order
Get some key points that you want to higlight
Famous quote
Fun facts
Do not overkill! (People get bored fast)
Limit your material
Do not include only NEW information to the audience
Try to keep a balance between new and clasical content
Do not fill the slide or mind map only with text

Tips & Tricks
Your audience is not your enemy
If you find it boring, imagine how they see it
Try to keep eye contact with people that listen to you
Connect and interact with people listening
Try to deliver the message, not just read it
Try to motive the audience by
Asking them questions
Take a pause so they can think about your questions or answers
Body language
Speak loud and clear
Stories are important
Be confident; try not to be uptight or nervous.
Look at the audience. Smile, occasionally
Talk to the audience.
Be honest.
Common mistakes to be avoided
Don’t try to speak fast
Even if frustrated, do NOT use bad words
Don’t try to say too much.
Avoid acronyms, abbreviations as much as possible.
Don’t copy flashy native speakers.
Don’t start your talk with apologies about your presentation. Nobody cares!