the four wiveshols

He loved his second wife too. She is always very considerate in everything she does, always patient and in fact, she is the merchant's confidence. Whenever the merchant encountered serious problems, he always
turned to his second wife and she would always help him out with her wise and brilliant ideas and tide him through every of his difficult times.

The merchant thought he was going to die alone but did not have the first wife if she wanted to die with the

main ideas

secondary ideas

when the merchant needed three wives no one will collaborate esepto

when least expected of a person you do not want that person can help one through thick and thin

that after seeing the good merchant who was the first wife arpintio not see her beloved as the other


1. What’s the topic of the reading according to the title?

a man with four wive

2. Why didn’t the merchant love the first wife?

3. Would you have or live with a person who you don’t love? Why?

not because withoul love you can not find happiness in someone

4. What would be the answer? Why?

because she can not find another after that

5. Why did the answer affect so much the merchant?

because it was the one for her dedication


heidy guerero

jenifer blanco

dania murcia

6. What would be your answer if you were the fourth wife?

no because as I got waht i wanted she can get another man who loves her like the merchat

7. What would be the answer? Why?


8. What would be the answer? Why?


9. why did want to staywith him?Did you do it if you were she?

i love lookingat it and i would not be where it

wing is better to want one less person that that person wants can help you where you need

Topic principal

The merchant thought that one of the three women that he had wanted to die but all told him not

the merchant did not love the first wife in any way and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took any notice of her.