
I wanna get better at doing arts.
I want to take some art classes.

I wanna try to get all A's. Try harder and try some extra credit.
I wanna get better at math. I'm not doing so
well in it.

I would like to join some after school
I'd like to join track and run.

I want to spend more time with my dogs. I dont have much time for them because of all the school works.
Also some time for family. We don't spend much time together as a family at my house.

I would like to spend more time with my friends
I usually ignore them and watch netflix or something.
Main topic
I would like to see them more often. I would also like them to stay.

eating healthy
I dont wanna eat that much junk food anymore. I know junk food is not good for you so that's why i'm trying to stop.
I want to start eating healthy. I would like to eat more fruits and vegetables.