King Nebuchadnezzar
Longest and most powerful reign of any monarch
in the Neo-Babylonian empire.
Controlled all trade routes across Mesopotamia
43 years of reign
Defeated the Egyptians and the Assyrians
First Babylonian king to rule Eygpt
Subdued Palestine and and Syria
Responsible for the Babylonian exile of jews
Strengthened Babylon by building fortifications around the city, like the Ishtar Gate
providing gender equality and education opportunities
Other Facts

Created the famous "hanging gardens" of Babylon
considered to be one of the worlds seven wonders
was for his homesick wife since it reminded him of Persia
Nebuchadnezzar means "O god Nabu protect/defend my firstborn son."

He built the Ishtar gates and the Babylon walls
Personal Information
Married to Amytis of Media
Secured alliance between Babylonians and the Medis
Lived from 604 - 562 BCE
His parents are Nabopolassar and Shuamdaqa of Babylon

His Children
Had a daughter named Kassaya
Had a son named Amel-Marduk
What we know from the Bible
Built a big statue of gold and told people to worship it
Witnessed the fiery furnace
Was overthrown by king Darias
Seen as an "enemy of God"
Excuted the Babylonian exile of Jews

Had dreams that were interperted by Daniel
God turned him from a king to a wandering madman because he was being wicked.