Language and learning

Language and learning

Benefits of learning
multiple languages

It encourages the staff
and the programs in

Students are exciting
to learn a new language

Their creativity make games
in another languages or

Why Few schools give
kids th opportunity
to learn another

Based in demographics

For income consultation
with the schools parents

If a children is
exposed to several
languages he can
learn it well?

Student learn it well depends
about what language his
friends or parents speak

It changes
their brain

It depends on when
a child is exposed to
learn early and then 
use the identical
brain tissue

Differents parts of
the brain involved

How much exposure
do kids need to have
to learn a language?

It depends of goals
the learners wants to
achieve to obtain
enough fluency

Practice the same or equal time
as the tongue language

Quality at the time
student learn, because
brain does not work
about quantity it Works
of quality

The best time to learn
another language

Any age, it does not matter
how early a person start to
learn a language.

Ángela Carolina García Coronado
February 21, 2015