Materials / Teaching / Technology /Customisation
ELC - Costs
Printing books is too expensive
No books
Photocopying (paper) costs go up
as teachers copy more materials
Cost of new photocopier?
Cost per each photocopy?
Students unhappy having to
print material that might not be used
Mass Cutomisation
“customers don’t want a choice;
they want exactly what they want”
ELC customers are?
Teachers, students, departments?
Main topic
4 year curriculum
Once a week 3 hour
classes more likely
Develop material for each
session rather than by units?
Able to customise material more?
For example, develop 12 sessions
for a 14 week course
(2 weeks have Assessments)
Teachers might not like the
order material is done
Course Writers
Still asked to write 'books'
Teacher photocopies something
incase students don't print their own
Teacher always has
material for class
Teacher wants to
enter class with material
If teachers provide copies,
students less likely to print their own
Students use 'computers' to
access materials in Class
Classroom management
Mobile Learning
More students accessing
materials from mobile devices
Moodle iphone
and android apps
But need upgraded Moodle
BlackBoard app for mobile
As yet ELC material is
not very acessible by
mobile devices.