Math for Elementary Education

Place values

Chinese numeration system


Understanding the problem


located in the homework notes handout "Introduction" from instructor.

what are you asked to find out or show?

Can you draw a picture or diagram to help you understand the problem?

Can you rsetate the problem in your own words?

Can you work out some numerical examples that would help make the problem more clear.

Devise a Plan


located in the homework notes handout "Introduction" from instructor.

Problem Solving strategies:

Guess and Check, make an organized list, draw a picture or diagram, look for a pattern, make a table, use a variable, solve a simpler problem, experiment, act it out, work backwards, use deduction, change your point of view.

Number sequenes

Fibonacci Number sequence


The Fibonacci Sequence: Starting with the numbers 0 and 1, each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two- 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13... These numbers, when put in ratios, happens to show up in the patterns of branches and leaves on trees.

Binary Representation


In-Class lecture.Sept 10th, 2012Presented by Tatiana Shubin

The Number sense


Eqyptian Number system