Plant Unit
Plant Behavior

Growth towards the sun
Plant roots accelerate growth to travel to patches of nutrients
Plant roots slow down when passing nutrients for efficiency
No Roots
Producing it's own food
Obligate Parasites lives off host
Knows which plant it likes more
Tobacco plant uses nicotine poisons to induce seizures, paralysis, adn morality
When preyed on it will releases SOS signal that predators will take care of
Plant classification
Vascular vs Non-Vascular
A vascular plant has specialized tissue that helps to transport water and nutrients Most plants are vascular to transport
water and nutrients(xylem and phloem)
Have roots, leaves and stems
ability to live away from major water sources e.g. ponds, lakes
Ex. Flowers, trees, shrubs and grasses
Non Vascular
No system of vessels to transport water and
nutrients (xylem and phloem)
No true leaves, roots or stems
Depend on diffusion, osmosis and active transport to get nutrients
Need to grow close to water (for reproduction and growth)
Grow close to the surface and when they die they leave soil for plants to grow
Seeded vs. Seedless
Seeded plants contain an embryo surrounded by a seed coat. Inside the seed is nutrients that help feed it as it grows.
Seedless plants do not have seeds and are spread by windblown spores. They tend to live in moist areas and examples include ferns and horsetails.
Gymnosperm vs. Angiosperm
Most have long, thin needles (these are their leaves)
Most are cone bearing
Do not produce seeds or fruit
Requires pollen to produce
Generally trees
Tend to be found in harsh environments, found worldwide
Wide spread root systems (anchor themselves and helps to get nutrients)
Often called flowering plants (but not all of them are flowering plants)
Plants bear fruits
Fruits are designed to disperse seeds
Play a large role in feeding people
Best adapted to the various climates on Earth
Most abundant plant form on Earth
mosses, lichens, trees and shrubs live here
Roots are shorter and the plants are shorter
built in antifreeze to withstand the cold
faster lifecycle to take advantage of the limited sunlight
Long shallow root systems
Catci are capable to storing large quantities of water e.g. 6 m tall cactus can store 400 L of water
Have accordion pleats to allow the plant to expand
Spines prevent predators from getting to the water
Waxy skin to reduce water loss
great competition for pollinators by use of complex flower structures and scents
competition for sunlight results in some plants called epiphytes that grow on trees with trailing roots such as orchids, some mosses and ferns
some plants do not obtain enough nutrients from the soil and consume insects such as the Venus fly trap and the pitcher plant

Primary Succession
Establishes a community in an area of exposed rock that does not have topsoil
i.e. after glacial retreating, cooled lava, geologic upheaval
Plants compete for light and space, some species better able to survive in changing environment
Climax community is the final stage of ecological succession. i.e. mature oak/hickory forest
Secondary Succession
It is the recolonization of an area after an ecological disturbance in which the soil remains in tact.
Often seeds and roots remain, some seeds will only germinate after a fire i.e. Jack or Lodge pine
Ecological Disturbances
They are frequent and important
Provide opportunities for other plant growth
i.e Fallen trees open spaces in the canopy, allow shade intolerant plants the opportunity to establish themselves
The greater the plant diversity in an ecosystem, the more resilient the ecosystem is to disturbances
Response to Environmental Stimuli
The ability to detect change and to respond is called sensitivity.
Response is a form of defence that allows organisms to survive.
Plant adapt to new situations by modifying their growth, by means of chemicals called growth regulators[hormones].
Nastic Response vs. Tropism
Nastic Response: A plant’s movement in response to a stimulus that is not associated with the direction of the stimulus
Tropism: A plant’s growth response to external stimulus coming from one direction in the environment
Phototropism is a growth response of a stem towards light, so that it can receive the maximum amount of light for photosynthesis
Less auxins produced on the side of the plant towards the light
Gravitropism is a plants natural growth response to the effects of gravity
The roots demonstrate positive response by growing towards gravitational pull
The stem demonstrates negative response by growing against gravity
Plant’s response will be to return to the upward position
Thigmotropism is the growth of a plant in response to contact
The side of a plant in contact with a surface of a stimulus will produce auxins on the non-contact side, producing growth
The response will continue resulting in a “winding” effect

Application of Plant Hormones
Limit growth
Publishing information
Kill weeds
Publishing information
Away from light
Publishing information
Not grow as much
Publishing information
Excessive growth to kill
raspberry spoiling others
one spoiled
released ethylene gas
ethylene gas causes all other to ripen
Native plants
Able to survive harsh conditions
Animal Systems
The Circulatory System
Two Types of Systems
Open Transport System
blood bathes the cells directly
Moves through muscle contractions
Closed Transport System
blood is pumped around the body in a network of vessels (for collection, distribution and exchange)
blood circulates in only one direction
Gases and nutrients must pass through walls of blood vessels to reach cells
circulatory system
Pulmonary Circulation
transports oxygen-poor blood from the right ventricle to the lungs where blood picks up a new oxygen supply. Then it returns oxygen rich blood to the left atrium.
Systemic Circulation
Systemic circulation provides a functional blood supply to all body tissue.
It carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
It picks up carbon dioxide and waste products.

The Heart
Blood enters the R atrium and passes through the right ventricle.
The R ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs where it becomes oxygenated.
The oxygenated blood is brought back to the heart by the pulmonary veins which enter the L atrium.
From the L atrium blood flows to the L ventricle.
The L ventricle pumps blood to the aorta which distributes the oxygenated blood throughout the rest of the body.
Blood Vessels
Carry blood away from the heart
Carry oxygenated blood
Have thicker walls because the pressure in the arteries is highe
Carry blood from the body towards the heart
Carry deoxygenated blood
Site of gas, waste, and nutrient exchange
Very thin, small red blood cells travel in single file in capillaries
92% water. It transports blood solids, nutrients, hormones, and other materials.
Red Blood Cells
carry oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from them.
White Blood Cells
help fight disease and infection by attacking germs that enter the body.
help blood form a clot at the site of a wound. A clot seals a cut and prevents excessive blood loss.
Blood Pressure
Systolic Pressure
as your heart contracts to push blood into your arteries, your blood pressure is at its highest point.
Diastolic Pressure
As your heart relaxes to refill, blood pressure is at its lowest point.
Problems of the Circulatory System
Anemia is an abnormally low level of hemoglobin, a protein that binds to oxygen in red blood cells.
Leukemia is a disease in which extra white blood cells are produced.
Hemophilia is a disease in which the blood plasma does not contain substances that help the blood to clot.
Hypertension: is a condition in which blood pressure is consistently higher than normal, which can lead to heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure.
Stroke usually results from blood clots that block vessels in the brain, or from the rupture of a blood vessel.
Heart Attack is a blockage of the flow of blood to the heart.
Respiratory System
Composition of Air We Breathe
78% Nitrogen (N2)
21% Oxygen (O2)
1% CO2 and Trace Elements (e.g., Argon)
Human Adaptations
1. Water must be present at the respiratory surface(moist enviornments allows for gases to dissolve in water)
2. The respiratory surface must be large( inorder to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide quickly enough to meet the body’s needs)
Upper Respiratory
Nose and Mouth
Connects nasal and oral cavity to larynx
Cilia in top portion move food towards mouth to be swallowed
A flap that prevents food from entering the lungs by blocking the glottis (opening of trachea)
Small, flexible flap of tissue
Contains the vocal chords – for sound, aka “voice box”. Opening to lungs
Two flaps of cartilage, vibrate when air passes through
“Adam’s Apple” – a thick band of cartilage that surrounds and protects the larynx.
Passage of air into 2 bronchi, “windpipe”.
Filter particles
~10-12cm long
Semicircular cartilage rings to prevent collapse -Cilia and mucus
Lower Respiratory
One goes to each lung.
Each carries air into lungs and splits into many bronchioles
Full cartilage rings for support
Many branches carry air to alveoli
Able to change diameter to regulate air flow
Many branched tubes, smallest passageways, to increase surface area
Smooth muscle walls
NO cartilage rings
Site of external respiration (gas exchange).
~150 million per lung!
Very thin tiny sacs (large surface area).
Single cell layer, surrounded by capillaries.
Coated with “surfactant” (a lipoprotein) to prevent sticking.
Pleural membrane
Surrounds lungs and lines chest cavity
Reduces friction between lungs and chest cavity
Filled with fluid that reduces friction between lungs and chest cavity during inhalation
Increases and decreases volume of chest cavity
Dome shaped, thin, muscular
Medical Technologies
Used to detect abnormalities in the small intestine (ex: tumors, bleeding)
Surgery that can help change the shape of the eye and its focal point
Laser breaks down bonds or organic material in the eye so that the surgeon can reshape the cornea
Risks (not high): blurry vision, partial or complete blindness
Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRIs)
Magnetic resonance imaging
4 parts :
Magnets: causes water molecules to line up in one direction and spin around to give off energy
Antenna: detects radio signals given off by the water molecules
Computer: collects data picked up by the antenna
Software: creates pictures out of the data
CAT Scans
Takes many x rays form different angles to create a 3D image of your internal body
A contrast medium will be injected to enhance imaging
Nuclear Medicine
A radiopharmaceutical is injected and concentrates in the disease areas
Allows us to look into the body and make appropriate diagnosis and treatment decisions
Arthroscopic Surgery
Small incision, minimally invasive , less scarring, quicker recovery
Used to fix ligaments, repair tendons

Viewing internal anatomy using high frequency sound waves
A transducer is placed on the body which emits sound waves. These sound waves reflect off structures and interpreted by a computer which displays an image
Computer software used in viewing 3D models of
Modelling consists of 3 phases:
Using a CT scanner, images are taken
Walking in a lab attached to infrared markers on pelvis and knees
Images and data from the body’s movement is combined with computer software to create a 3D model
Digestive System

Organic compounds
Examples:are fats, oils, and waxes.
Lipids are energy dense, containing 9 calories per gram.
Lipids are used for storing energy, making cell membranes, and synthesizing steroid hormones.
Sugars and starch are the carbohydrates that humans can digest. “Fiber” is indigestible carbohydrates, such as cellulose and inulin.
Glucose is needed by all body cells as energy. Nerve cells must have glucose to operate.
Examples: fructose, lactose, cellulose, glycogen, maltose, glucose
Amino acids from digested proteins are used by cells to build all the proteins that our body needs. Proteins provide structure and support, speed up chemical reactions, provide immunity, transport ions
Examples: insulin, enzymes, hemoglobin, collagen, antibodies
Sodium, potassium, zinc, iron, calcium,magnesium among the minerals that humans need.
Most minerals can be found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and meats. Highly processed foods may be deficient.
Vitamins play many different roles in metabolism.
We do not obtain energy from vitamins; however, some vitamins are necessary to run energy-related processes in cells.
Supplies body with energy and raw materials for synthesis of chemical compounds.
Nutrients aid in GROWTH, MAINTENCE and REPAIR of tissues.
Types of Digestion
Physical/Mechanical: is the act of breaking down food into smaller pieces using teeth (mastication), as well as contractions of the stomach.
Chemical: enzymes and water break down food so that it can eventually be absorbed by body cells.
4 Stages in Digestion
1. Ingestion
The taking in of nutrients
2. Digestion
The breakdown of complex organic molecules into
smaller components by enzymes.
3. Absorption
The transport of digested nutrients to tissues of the body.
4. Elimination
The removal of waste food materials from the body.


incisors: specific for cutting
canine: sharp for tearing
pre-molars: grinding
molars: crushing
Used for mechanical/physical digestion
(mastication). They are necessary for
breaking food into smaller particles.
Strong muscle.
Has taste buds.
Helps swallow (movement of food)
Fluid secreted by salivary glands
Contains amylase which breaks down complex to simpler carbohydrates
Lubricates food to be swallowed
Dissolves food particles
At this point food can be “tasted”
2. Pharynx:
Swallowing (gag/swallow reflex)
Divides food and air
3. Epiglottis:
Covers the trachea
Protects / prevents food from entering the windpipe.
Peristalsis: rhythmic, wavelike contraction of smooth muscle that moves food through the esophagus
J-Shape organ that can store up to 1.5 L of food
Movement of food in and out of stomach is regulated by sphincters
Esophageal sphincter: regulates food from esophagus (acts like a valve)
Pyloric sphincter: regulates food from stomach to small intestine
Gastric juice
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) mucus, pepsinogens and other materials
enzymes that when exposed to a low pH (1-3) such as conditions in the stomach, turns into its active form pepsin which is a enzyme the digests proteins
Food broken down into chyme(thick liquid).
3 Parts
Duodenum: most digestion occurs here
Jejunum: has many folds that continue breakdown and absorption of remaining proteins and carbohydrates
Ileum: less absorption occurs here, unabsorbed particles are pushed through.
Small Intestine Absorption
nutrients are broken down and absorbed
complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple carbohydrates like glucose with the use of an enzyme called amylase
amylase is produced and released by the pancreas
these simple sugars (monosaccharides) are absorbed into the capillaries of the villus
Broken down into amino acids
Trypsin, an enzyme produced and released by the pancreas breaks down polypeptides into amino acids
Amino acids are absorbed into the capillaries of the villus
Are physically broken down from large fat droplets into smaller fat droplets with the use of bile
Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder
Bile is chemically digested with the use of lipase
Lipase is an enzyme produced and released by the pancreas
Lipase is broken down into absorbable fat that enters the lacteals of the villi in the small intestine
Wider and shorter than the small intestine.
Cecum – storage (chyme); ends with appendix.
Colon is largest part of large intestine; stores waste so that water as well as some inorganic salts, minerals and vitamins can be absorbed.
Produces bile for physical digestion of lipids.
Removes excess sugar from blood and stores it.
Responsible for detoxifying blood (ex. Alcohol)
Recycles damaged red blood cells
Gall Bladder:
Stores bile (if stomach empty)
Releases bile when chyme is present in the small intestine.
Villi: small finger-like projects that extend into the small intestine which increase surface area for absorption.
Microvilli: are a microscopic projection on cell membrane
Lacteals: are small vessels that transport fat to the circulatory system
Elimination of Wastes
Chemical digestion is finished at the large intestine.
Collects waste for excretion.
Anus: Controls discharge of waste (feces).
24 Hour Biological Timeline
12 AM to 5AM
Heavy Bombardment Period
Catastrophic beginning with lots of collisions (ie. Mars sized object hit the Earth to form our Moon)
Atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide
Earth was frequently hit by asteroids and meteors
This period of time was thought t o aid in the formation of amino acids
No oceans
First Life Forms
Though to first evolve 3.8 Billions of years ago
Bacteria capable of living in extreme environments
Various types of archaebacteria such as:
Acidophiles – can live in acidic environments i.e. snotites and phlegm balls
Methanogens – can live in methane rich environments i.e. the bacteria found in the South African mines
Halophiles – can live in environments that are very salty i.e. dead sea and pink sea salt formed from bacteria
Elements key to life on Earth are present
Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen
5 AM to 1 PM
The heavy bombardment ended
Life was able to move to the surface
Bacteria that had chlorophyll was able to survive and reproduce passing along their trait to the next generation
These bacteria are able to conduct photosynthesis and produce sugar to survive
These bacteria are distant relatives to the cyanobacteria that we find on Earth today
Evidence of this transition can be found with stromatilites found in Western Australia
These bacteria produced oxygen gas as a by-product which filled the oceans with oxygen gas and eventually the air
1 PM to 9PM
Oxygen levels rise from less than 1% to 21%
The increase in oxygen concentration allowed for the formation of the ozone layer
Protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun
Increase in oxygen concentration allowed for more complex life forms to thrive as we need more oxygen to perform cellular respiration
Cellular respiration is a process where we take glucose and convert it into ATP (a usable energy molecule for our cells)
9 PM to 11:59 PM
6 minutes after 9 the first multicellular life forms appear on Earth, first it was:
Fish, then
First mammals
Humans (11:59:30)
Adaptation & Variation
Variations Within a Species
The variations within a species are the structural, functional, or physiological differences between individuals.
These changes are the result of random, heritable mutations in DNA that accumulate over generations.
Interaction with the environment determines whether a variation is positive or negative for the individual organism.
Adaptation & Survival
Adaptations are the result of a process of gradual, accumulative changes due to mutations, that help an organism survive and reproduce.
Mimicry is a type of structural adaptation. Harmless species physically resemble a harmful species. Predators avoid the harmless species as much as they do the harmful one.
Selective Advantages
A selective advantage is a genetic advantage that improves an organism’s chances of survival in terms of both survival in a changing environment and reproduction.
Evidence for Evolution
Evidence from Fossil Records
When an organism dies, it may form a fossil. A fossil is the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism cast in rock. The following data has been collected around the world:
Fossils found in young layers of rock (rock closer to the surface) are more similar to species living today than fossils found in older deeper layers of rock.
Fossils appear in chronological order in the rock layers.
fossil records show that fish are the oldest vertebrates (animals with backbones) and it isn’t until more newer layers of rock do you find other vertebrates (reptiles, mammals, birds, etc.).
Evidence from Anatomy
Homologous structures are those that have similar structural elements and origin but may have different functions.
Vertebrate forelimbs can be used for various functions, such as flying (bats), running (horses and cats), and swimming (whales and seals).
Even though they are used for different functions, they all contain the same set of bones, and are organized in similar ways because they all originated from a common ancestor.
Also, some organisms have what are called vestigial structures. Vestigial structures are those that have lost their function but exist because they had a function in a common ancestor. For example, some birds have wings but can’t fly (like the Kiwi bird).
Evidence from Biogeography
Biogeography is the study of the distribution of organisms throughout the world.
Organisms that live closely together are more similar than organisms that live far away but in similar habitats.
For example, cacti are only found in the Americas even though there are deserts in Africa. Since all cacti have a common ancestor, it makes sense that they are located in the same parts of the world.
Also, organisms on islands often closely resemble animals found on the closest continent. Lemurs are only found on Madagascar but there are lemur fossils in India (Madagascar broke off from India 88 million years ago).
Evidence from Embryology
Embryology is the study of the early pre-birth stages of an organism’s development.
Embryology has been used to determine relationships between different organisms.
For example, all vertebrates have similar stages of early embryo development because all vertebrates have a common ancestor.
Evidence from DNA
DNA is the blueprint for an organism and scientists have been able to determine how closely related two organisms are by comparing how similar their DNA is.
We know that organisms pass on DNA to their offspring (children).
If two different organisms have similar patterns in their DNA, then they must have both inherited that DNA from a common ancestor.
For example, humans and chimpanzees have more similarities in their DNA than humans and dogs, so humans and chimpanzees have a more recent common ancestor.
Mechanisms of Microevolution
Basic Information
Microevolution is the change in the allele frequency for a population
These changes when sustained over many generations and a long period of time can lead to macroevolution and the creation of a new species
Genes are segments of DNA that code for a specific trait, such as hair colour, eye colour, height, eyelash length etc.
Whenever we look at any trait, such as hair colour, we have variations of that trait (e.g. red, black, blonde and brown).
These variations of a gene are called alleles.
We have two alleles for each gene. These alleles "work" together in determine what our hair colour, height, eye colour etc will be.
Mutations are changes that occur in the DNA of an individual, a heritable mutation has the potential to affect an entire gene pool
The effect of mutations is that they introduce new alleles into a population, which changes allele frequencies
Mutation are the only way that new alleles are introduced into populations
Gene Flow
Gene flow describes the net movement of alleles from one population to another as a result of the migration of individuals
Gene flow may change allele frequencies in either or both populations through a “flow”, or movement of genes (alleles)
Genetic Drift
Genetic drift is the change in frequencies of alleles due to chance events in a breeding population
Sample size can greatly impact the gene pool of a population - the smaller the population, the more likely that the future generations won’t reflect the parent generation
Think of flipping a coin 1000 times versus 10 times
The Founder Effect
is a change in a gene pool that occurs when a few individuals start a new isolated population
Often, new populations are formed by only a few individuals, or founders
These founders will carry some, but not all, of the alleles from original population
Diversity in the new gene pool will be limited
Occurs frequently on islands
The Bottleneck Effect
is the changes in gene distribution that result from a rapid decrease in the population size
Starvation, disease, human activity, and natural disasters can quickly reduce the size of a large population
Since the survivors have only a fraction of the original population alleles, the gene pool has lost diversity
Non-Random Mating
is the mating among individuals on the basis of mate selection for a particular phenotype or due to inbreeding
The Effect of non-random mating is that it increases the proportion of homozygous individuals in a population
This is in contrast to random mating where breeding partners are randomly selected - the likelihood of specific genotypes mating is based on the allele frequencies within a population
Inbreeding occurs when closely related individuals breed together
Close relatives share similar genotypes, so inbreeding leads to increases in frequency of homozygous genotypes
As homozygous genotypes become more common, harmful recessive alleles are more likely to be expressed
Sexual selection is natural selection for mating based, in general, on competition between males and choices made by females
Often, males and females in a population have drastically different physical characteristics such as colourful plumage in male birds and antlers in male deers - this difference is called sexual dimorphism
Macroevolution: major evolutionary change. The term applies mainly to the evolution of whole taxonomic groups over long periods of time.
Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms
PRE-ZYGOTIC mechanisms that prevent mating or fertilization
Behavioral isolation
two populations do not exchange alleles because they do not respond to each others mating rituals
Temporal Isolation
two populations do not exchange alleles because they are only available to exchange alleles at different times of year or even of the day
Ecological/Habitat Isolation
two populations do not exchange alleles with each other because they are in different geographic places or at different places within the same ecosystem
Mechanical Isolation
two populations do not exchange alleles because they are anatomically incompatible
Gametic isolation
two populations exchange sperm and eggs but rarely fuse to form a zygote
POST-ZYGOTIC mechanisms that prevent development of a zygote
Hybrid inviability
even though the zygote is created, it fails to develop to maturity due to genetic incompatibility
Hybrid sterility
even though the hybrid is healthy and vigorous, it is not able to reproduce
Hybrid breakdown
the first generation hybrids are fertile, but when these hybrids mate, offspring of the next generation are sterile or weak.
Basic info
Development of a new species through a variety of factors
Rate of speciation depends on generation, time, environmental conditions, etc.
can be caused by a change in just 1 gene or a set of genes causing some sort of isolation
Types of speciation
Allopatric Speciation
Gene flow is interrupted when a population is divided into geographically isolated subpopulations
Parapatric Speciation
Occurs when part of a population enters a new habitat bordering the range of the parent species
Some gene flow may occur between populations in border zone
Sympatric Speciation
Occurs in populations that live in the same geographic area
Less common than allopatric speciation
Happens when gene flow is diminished by:
habitat differentiation
Sexual selection
Theories of Evolution
Charles Lyell
Principles of Uniformitarianism
Theory states that geological processes operate at the same rate today as they have in the past
Slow subtle processes that happen over a long period of time lead to substantial changes in the long term
Provided a geological perspective that inspired Darwin
Limitations of Theory
Doesn’t take into account varying geological processes like natural disasters, catastrophes, climate change, impact of human activity
Georges Cuvier
Theory of Catastrophism
Developed Paleontology - the study of ancient life through fossils
Noted that species are found in particular rock layers and that new species appear and disappear over time
Theory of catastrophism states that natural events like floods and volcanic eruptions killed species living in a region and allows species from neighboring areas to repopulate an area, resulting in change
Limitations in Theory
Doesn’t take into account that changes can also be slow and subtle, specifically changes within a population
(other information…)
Discovered that each stratum (layer) of rock held a unique group of fossil species
Discovered that the oldest fossils are in the deepest layer
Suggested that catastrophes killed many species (catastrophism) and that these events corresponded to the boundaries between the fossil strata
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Inheritance of Acquired Traits (use and disuse)
Theory states that species increased in complexity over time until they reached a level of perfection
Organisms become increasingly better adapted to their environments
Traits acquired during an organism’s life can passed on to offspring
Body parts that are not used would be lost over time
Limitations of Theory
Doesn’t reflect how we inherit traits
Traits cannot be gained just because they would be useful
Thomas Malthus
- Break or sudden event interrupts
- Leads to selection of those more suited to survive
- May lead to creation of new species if separation continues
Carrying capacity is the sustainable balance achieved between population and environment
Populations are limited by: predators, food, shelter, water, disease, competition
Stephen Jay Gould & Niles Eldredge
Punctuated Equilibrium
That evolution occurs both gradually and in small punctuated events
During periods of stasis change is slow, however, sudden events (punctuated events) i.e. a flood or volcanic eruption can put huge selective pressures on a population requiring a rapid rate of evolution in a short time frame
Balance of stasis and punctuated events
Charles Darwin
Variation exists within species - mutations are the sources of variations
Selective pressures determine which organisms survive - “survival of the fittest”
Organisms with traits that are better suited will survive, reproduce, and pass on those traits to offspring
Descent with Modification - changes do not demonstrate progress (improvement) - it is simply change
There are three types of natural selection:
1. stabilizing selection
Selects for (favours) average phenotypes
Selects against extreme phenotypes
Results in a decrease of populations genetic variance
2. directional selection
Populations genetic variance shifts towards a new phenotype when exposed to environmental change
Selects for (favours) one extreme phenotype
Selects against other phenotypes
3. disruptive selection
Selects for (favours) 2 extreme phenotypes that each have specific advantages
Select against average or intermediate phenotype because it is less fit than the extremes
Example - mating lobsters
Large lobsters mate by force and small lobsters sneak in female populations in alpha male territory
Natural Selection
Recap: Variation in Species
Variation is created by the different combinations of genetic information (alleles) that offspring inherit from their parents.
A mutation is a permanent change in the genetic material of an organism and is the only source of new genetic variation.
Adaptations are the result of a process of gradual, accumulative changes due to mutations, that help an organism survive and reproduce
A selective advantage is a genetic advantage that improves an organism’s chances of survival in terms of both survival in a changing environment and reproduction.
Natural Selection
Natural selection describes the process of change in the characteristics of a population of organisms over many generations.
If an organism produces offspring that also survive to reproduce, that organism is said to be fit for the environment.
Selective Pressure
to select for certain characteristics in some individuals and select against certain characteristics in others
temperature change
light level change’
change in predators
change in competition
Artificial Selection
Artificial selection is a selective pressure exerted by humans on populations in order to improve or modify particular traits.
cats bred for appearance
cows bred to increase muscle for meat consumption
chickens bred to produce more eggs
Charles Darwin
Father of Evolution
Proposed a mechanism for evolution, natural selection
Darwin went on a 5-year trip around the world on the ship, the HMS Beagle
As the ship’s naturalist, he made observations of organisms in South America and the Galapagos Islands
Wrote a book called “The Origin of Species” to propose his theory of natural selection, which is a mechanism for evolution
Darwin’s Observations
The flora and fauna were different in different regions.
He found fossils of extinct animals that looked similar , but not identical, to living animals.
Finches found on islands resembled continental finches but were different in some characteristics.
Finch beaks were adapted to the food source on each island.
Darwin’s Questions
Why were all types of organisms not randomly distributed?
Why would living and fossilized organisms that looked similar be found in the same region?
Why did the Galapagos species so closely resemble organisms on the adjacent South American coastline?
Could species have been modified from an ancestral form that arrived on the Galapagos Islands shortly after the islands were formed?
Evolution by Natural Selection
Each species produces more offspring than survive
More individuals are born than can be sustained by their environment, which creates a struggle for existence
Each individual has a unique combination of inherited traits.
Adaptation: an inherited trait that increases an organism’s chances of survival
Since the environment changes….
The more variation within a species, the more likely it will survive
EX: If everyone is the same, they are all vulnerable to the same environmental changes or diseases
The more variation of types of species in an habitat, the more likely at least some will survive
EX: Dinosaurs replaced by mammals
Individuals COMPETE for limited resources:
Food, water, space, mates
Natural selection occurs through “Survival of the fittest”
Fitness: the ability to survive and reproduce
Not all individuals survive to adulthood
The individuals with the best traits / adaptations will survive and have the opportunity to pass on it’s traits to offspring.
Natural selection acts on the phenotype (physical appearance), not the genotype (genetic makeup)
Ex: When a predator finds its prey, it is due to the prey’s physical characteristics, like color or slow speed, not the alleles (BB, Bb)
Individuals with traits that are not well suited to their environment either die or leave few offspring.
Evolution occurs when good traits build up in a population over many generations and bad traits are eliminated by the death of the individuals.
Descent with Modification
Darwin believe that all life has one common origin, and from that origin life diversified to the forms that we see on Earth today.
Natural selection does not demonstrate progress, but merely results from the ability of species to survive local conditions and to pass on the traits that helped them survive.
Each living species has descended, with changes, from other species over time.
Change does not demonstrate progress (improvement) is simply change.
Pathways of Evolution
One Origin, Three Paths of Evolution
Over time, evolution can follow many different paths
An evolutionary pattern where two species become increasingly different
Result of differing selective pressures or genetic drift
Often happens when two closely related species diversify to new habitats
On a large scale, divergent evolution is responsible for the creation of the current diversity of life on earth from the first living cells.
On a smaller scale, it is responsible for the evolution of humans and apes from a common primate ancestor
Adaptive Radiation
Occurs when divergent evolution occurs in rapid succession, or simultaneously, among a number of populations
Species “radiates out” from common ancestor
One original species gives rise to three or more species.
Commonly occurs after mass extinction
An evolutionary pattern when two or more species become increasingly similar in phenotype in response to similar selective pressures
species of different ancestry begin to share analogous (similar in appearance but different evolutionary origins) traits because of a shared environment or other selection pressure
Used to describe cases when two (or more) species reciprocally affect each other’s evolution
The evolution of the morphology of a plant may affect the morphology of a herbivore that eats that plant, which may affect the evolution of the plant, which might affect the evolution of the herbivore and so on, and so on
Co-evolution is likely to happen when different species have close ecological interactions with one another
Predator/prey and parasite/host
Competitive species
Mutualistic species
Cell Division
DNA Replication and Cell Division
DNA must replicate so that during cell division, the new cells formed each receive a complete set of genetic information
Reproduction (e.g. unicellular organisms)
Growth (e.g. 1 fertilized egg --> human of ~100 trillion cells)
Healing and tissue repair
Mitosis & the Cell Cycle
Mitosis occurs when a parent cell divides to produce two identical daughter cells
Mitosis refers to the process of dividing the nuclear material
Cytokinesis refers to the process of separating the cytoplasm and its contents into equal parts
The cell cycle consists of mitosis, cytokinesis and interphase
G1 phase: cell grows
S phase: DNA is replicated
G2 phase: cell prepares for mitosis
DNA is visible in the nucleus as strands called chromatin
Phase 1 of Mitosis: Prophase
Centrioles move to opposite poles of the cell
Chromatin condenses and shortens into chromosomes
Spindle fibres form between the centrioles
Nuclear membranes starts to disappear
Phase 2 of Mitosis: Metaphase
Spindle fibres attached to centromeres pull chromosomes into place
Chromosomes line up across the equator of the cell
Centrioles duplicate
Phase 3 of Mitosis: Anaphase
Chromatids separate at the centromere
Single-stranded chomosomes are pulled to opposite poles by spindle fibres contracting
Phase 4 of Mitosis: Telophase
Two nuclear envelopes form
Single-stranded chromosomes uncoil to become chromatin
Cytokinesis occurs after telophase:
Organelles are distributed between the two daughter cells and the cell membrane pinches inward
Meiosis vs Mitosis
The purpose of mitosis is to maintain genetic continuity (the number of chromosomes in each daughter cell stays the same)
The purpose of meiosis is to produce gametes (sex cells) which unite during sexual reproduction (the number of chromosomes in each sex cell is half of parent cell)
Asexual & Sexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction is any reproduction that does NOT involve meiosis.
1. A single parent gives rise to offspring that are genetically identical to the original parent (clones)
2. Often produces many offspring rapidly
3. There are no specialized structures required by the parent.
Sexual reproduction is any reproduction that does involve meiosis.
Genetic information from parent cells are combined to produce a new organism
(offspring are genetically different from parent)
Requires more energy and time than asexual reproduction
Sexually reproducing organisms are better able to adapt to changing environments because of differences between individuals
Individuals that are better adapted will survive and perpetuate the species
Somatic Cells and Gametes
Somatic Cells are “body” cells and contain the normal number of chromosomes ….called the “Diploid” number
Gametes are the “sex” cells and contain only ½ the normal number of chromosomes…. called the “Haploid” number (the symbol is n)….. Sperm cells and ova (egg) are gametes.
The Male Gamete is the Sperm and is produced in the male gonad the Testes
The Female Gamete is the Ovum (ova = pl.) and is produced in the female gonad the Ovaries
During Ovulation the ovum is released from the ovary and transported to an area where fertilization, the joining of the sperm and ovum, can occur.
Fertilization, in Humans, occurs in the Fallopian tube.
Fertilization results in the formation of the Zygote. (fertilized egg)
The fusion of a sperm and egg to form a zygote.
A zygote is a fertilized egg
If an organism has the Diploid number (2n) it has two matching homologues per set.
One of the homologues comes from the mother (and has the mother’s DNA).… the other homologue comes from the father (and has the father’s DNA).
Most organisms are diploid. Humans have 23 sets of chromosomes,
Homologous Chromosomes
Pair of chromosomes (maternal and paternal) that are similar in shape and size.
Homologous pairs (tetrads) carry genes controlling the same inherited traits.
Each locus (position of a gene) is in the same position on homologues.
Humans have 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes.
22 pairs of autosomes
1 pair of sex chromosomes
(The Autosomes code for most of the offspring’s traits)
In Humans the “Autosomes” are sets 1 - 22
Sex Chromosomes
The Sex Chromosomes code for the sex of the offspring.
** If the offspring has two “X” chromosomes it will be a female.
** If the offspring has one “X” chromosome and one “Y” chromosome it will be a male.

Heredity and Genetics
Dihybrid Crosses
a cross that shows the possible offspring for two traits
Incomplete dominance
In Incomplete Dominance, every genotype has its own phenotype. (One allele not completely dominant over the other.) Third phenotype that is a blending of the parental traits. (2 alleles produce 3 phenotypes.)
Result: Heterozygous phenotype somewhere in between homozygous phenotype.
In codominance, neither allele are dominant; both are expressed. A cross between organisms with two different phenotypes produces offspring with has both phenotypes of the parental traits shown.
Both alleles contribute to the phenotype.
Example: In come chickens
Black Chicken x White 🡪 Speckled Chicken
When Chromosomes do not divide correctly in meiosis
Results in gametes with incorrect number of chromosomes
Sex Linkage
The sex of an individual is determined by the sex chromosomes contributed to the zygote by the sperm and the egg
An egg can donate an X
A sperm can donate an X or Y
Therefore the sperm determines the sex of a child
Some traits are located on the sex chromosomes, so the inheritance of these traits depends on the sex of the parent carrying the trait.
Most known sex-linked traits are X-linked (carried on the X chromosome). This is probably because the X chromosome is much larger than the Y chromosome.
Some sex-linked traits are associated with disorders.
Most are found on the X chromosome, Y-linked disorders are rare.
Males are at a much greater risk for inheriting sex-disorders because they only inherit one X, so if the X has the allele for the disorder, they will suffer from the disorder.
Recessive lethal X-linked traits result in death.
Male pattern baldness, red-green colour blindness, myopia, night blindness, hemophilia
Although environment has some impact on the traits of an organism, DNA has the final word.
DNA achieves control because it determines the structure of proteins.
All living things contain proteins and all the actions of living things depend on proteins called enzymes.
DNA Structure
DNA consists of two molecules that are arranged into a ladder-like structure called a Double Helix.
A molecule of DNA is made up of millions of tiny subunits called Nucleotides.
Each nucleotide consists of:
Phosphate group
Pentose sugar
Nitrogenous base
DNA and Genes
A gene is a section of DNA that codes for a protein.
Each unique gene has a unique sequence of bases.
This unique sequence of bases will code for the production of a unique protein.
It is these proteins and combination of proteins that give us a unique phenotype.
Importance of Nucleotide Sequence
A cattail, a cat and a catfish are all different organism composed of proteins with the same 4 nucleotides. The difference?
A-T-T-G-A-C has different information than T-C-C-A-A-A
SANTA and SATAN same letters different order
Order matters!
DNA Replication
Each cell in the body has a copy of DNA that was present in the original fertilized egg of the zygote.
Before the cell can divide it first makes a copy of its chromosomes through DNA replication
ALL organisms undergo DNA replication.
From DNA to Protein
Sequencing of nucleotides in DNA contain information.
This information is put to work through proteins.
Proteins fold into complex 3-D shapes and become key regulators – forming muscle tissue, enzymes and controlling chemical reactions.
DNA does not leave the nucleus.
So how does DNA get its message to the rest of the body?
DNA needs a messenger to travel to the cell (ribosomes via rough ER) to make a protein and then the protein can travel all over the body.
RNA Structure
RNA differs from DNA in 3 ways:
Single stranded vs. double stranded
Ribose sugar vs. deoxyribose
Contains URACIL(U) vs. of thymine (T)
Translation to Proteins
mRNA leaves the nucleus with the code for the protein
Remember CODONS? (the sets of 3 that DNA is arranged in)
These code for Amino acids
There are 20 possible combinations and as a result 20 amino acids
There are also STOP codons and START codons
Nucleotide sequence transcribed from DNA to mRNA is the genetic message. The complete info for life.
20 AA act like the alphabet for DNA (26 letters make millions of words.)
64 possible combinations of the 20 AA.
Similar to a computer binary code 001100101000111110
Genetic Changes
Mutations- caused by errors in replication, transcription, cell division or by external agents.
A mutations in reproductive cells means the gene becomes part of the organism and can result in:
New trait
Non working proteins
Structural or functional problems
Death of the organism
Mutations in body cells:
Not passed to offspring but may be harmful to the individual
Impaired function of the cell (loss of function) or impaired cell division (cancer)
Types of Mutations
Point mutation- One change in a nucleotide can change the entire meaning.
The dog bit the cat.
The dog bit the car.
Frame-Shift Mutation - A single base pair is added or deleted. The entire strand shifts over. Entire protein is changed.
Chromosomal Alterations
May occur in meiosis.
Part of chromosome may be lost
Very common in plants, but can happen in all organisms
Homologous chromosomes do not pair or separate correctly: Down’s Syndrome.
Few mutations resulting in chromosomal alterations actually are passed on because Zygote often dies
Causes of Mutations
May be Spontaneous
Radiation- X rays, UV damage
Chemicals- asbestos, formaldehyde
High Temperature
Mendel and Monohybrid
Patterns of Inheritance
Genotype –the genetic makeup of an organism
Dominant alleles are described using a capital letter. (code for proteins)
Recessive alleles are described using lower case. (do not code for proteins)
Phenotype - the appearance of the trait in an organism
Hybrid, Heterozygous – having 2 different alleles for a trait
Pure, Homozygous - having the same alleles for a trait
Gregor Mendel and the Principles of Inheritance
Gregor Mendel
attended the University of Vienna
Studied math and botany
Was going to be a high school teacher
Became a monk and studied hereditary in pea plants
Laid down the groundwork for further studies in the mechanisms of inheritance
Mendel and the Pea
utilized the pea plant to study the inheritance of traits
This plant was ideal for several reasons:
readily available
Grew and reproduced quickly
Could self-pollinate or cross-pollinate
Reproduction was controllable
Many observable traits to study e.g. flower colour, pea shape
Pure breeding Plants
Pure breeding plants always have offspring with the same traits as the parents.
Crossing the Parent Generation
Mendel cross-pollinated pure-bred plants that were different for one trait e.g. height
The parent plants made up the parent generation (P generation)
Cross-Pollinating Plants
The stamens which contain pollen is removed from one plant. This is important to prevent self-pollination.
Pollen from another plant is directly applied to purple flower.
It is through this process Mendel controlled reproduction of the pea plants.
Monohybrid Cross
From the experiment Mendel concluded that the trait for tall plants was dominant and the trait for short plants was recessive.
Dominant and Recessive Alleles
Dominant allele
Expressed when present
Designated with a capital letter
E.g. W is used for widow’s peak
Recessive allele
Only expressed in the absence of a dominant allele
Designated with a lower case letter
E.g. w is used for a continuous hairline
Principle of Dominance
Developed by Mendel
When organisms are crossbred only dominant traits will be expressed
Law of Segregation
Two alleles code for a trait (e.g. Yy)
Each allele comes from one parent’s sex cell that was formed through the process of meiosis
Punnett Squares
When Mendel studied pea plants he initially examined the inheritance of one trait at a time.
This is referred to as a monohybrid cross
To illustrate how traits are inherited Mendel utilized a Punnett square, which is a tool used to show the various combinations of alleles that result when two parents mate.
Let’s explore how a monohybrid cross works by using a Punnett square with an example.
Complete Dominance
Both of the examples that we examined demonstrate complete dominance
Complete dominance means that one allele is always dominant over the other
In our example tall is completely dominant over short
The only way a short pea plant can be produced is if an offspring inherits two recessive alleles
Introducing the Virus
What is a virus?
Has genetic material (either DNA or RNA)
Can reproduce quickly
When it reproduces it has to take over another cell in order to do so (can’t reproduce on its own)
Virus Structure
Viruses come in different shapes and sizes, but all have general features that are similar to each other. Pictured to the right is a typical bacteriophage, a virus that infects bacteria.
DNA - This is the genetic material for the virus
Capsid - This protein coat protects the DNA.
Tail Fibre - These structures help secure the virus onto it's host ("victim")
Viral Reproduction: Lytic Cycle
Step 1:The virus attaches to the cell
Step 2:The virus' DNA enters the cell.
Step 3:The cell's DNA is destroyed and the cell is forced to make new viral DNA and proteins.
Step 4:New viruses are made inside of the host cell using the DNA and protein in step 3.
Step 5:The cell breaks open and viruses are released.
Lysis - disintegration of a cell by rupture of the cell wall or membrane.
Viral Reproduction - Lysogenic Cycle
Step 1: The virus attaches to the cell
Step 2: The virus' DNA enters the cell.
Step 3: Viral DNA mixes with the cell's DNA.
Step 4: The cell continues to replicate, copying the viral DNA with it's own.
To exit the lysogenic cycle, some kind of trigger, a chemical, change in temperature or even pH can set off the virus in all the infected cells. At that point the viral infection enters the lytic cycle where we can see the symptoms of the infection.
When viruses infect cells they can sometimes enter into a dormant or "sleep-like" state where we wouldn't see the infection. Although it may seem like the virus isn't doing anything to our bodies, they are slowly replicating.
Mostly Micro-Organisms
Kingdom Archaea
Found in extreme-environments
Also called extremophiles
Hot springs, sea-floor vents, alkaline or acidic waters, saline environments
Volcanoes, piles of hot coal, in rocks deep below the Earth’s surface
Obtain energy from inorganic molecules or from light
Methane producing archaea
Live in oxygen-free environments (swamps, marshes, sewage disposal plants)
Use CO2 gas, and H2S as a source of energy
Methane is the waste product
Salt-loving archaea
Live in salt pools (15% salt)
Incorporate pigmentation in the form of bacteriorhodopsin, for photosynthesis, and carotenoids for UV protection.
The caretonoids give them a pinkish color,
To prevent an exodus of water from the cell, halophiles offset the high salt in the environment by accumulating such compounds as potassium and glycine-betaine. This allows a balance of salts inside and outside of the cell preventing water from flowing outward as would be the case if lower salt levels existed within the cells.
Heat and acid-loving archaea
Live in hot sulfur springs, volcanoes, deep sea vents.
Grow best at temperatures above 80°C
Use sulfur as their source of energy
Most live as single cells
Some live in colonies or link together to form filaments
Can be classified by their shape, cell wall structure, and source of food and energy
Shapes and sizes
Cocci (round)
Bacilli (rod-shaped)
Spirilli (spiral-shaped)
Vibrio (comma-shaped)
Growth pattern
Bacteria often grow in characteristic patterns, or groupings
Diplo- (arranged in pairs)
Staphylo- (arranged in clusters (think: grapes))
Strepto- (arranged in chains)
Cell Wall Structure
Gram stain identifies differences in cell walls such as amino acid and sugar arrangements
Gram Positive: thick protein layer on cell wall and stain PURPLE
Gram Negative: thin protein layer and stain PINK
Asexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction
Chromosomes are not the only part of the cell to contain DNA.
Plasmids are small loops of DNA that are separate from the main chromosome.
Plasmids can be transferred from one bacterial cell to another during conjugation.
They are used to introduce foreign genes into bacterial cells.
Spore Formation
The life cycle of some bacteria include a dormant stage.
The bacteria form a tough outer covering that surrounds the DNA and a small portion of cytoplasm—forms endospores.
During this stage, endospores do not grow or reproduce
Used to resist extreme environments.
Bacteria and Health
Bacteria can:
Spoil food
Sour milk
Cause disease
Improve the look of wrinkles
Aid in digestion
Produce necessary vitamins
Clostridium botulinum
Causes botulism, a type of food poisoning
The same toxin produced by C. botulium is used for cosmetic purposes to prevent wrinkles and prevent excessive sweating
Bacteria and Medicine
Antibiotics work to stop bacteria from growing by interfering with specific processes that are essential for growth and reproduction
Kill bacteria
Inhibit bacterial growth
Classifying Life
Taxonomy-The branch of biology that considers the classification of organisms.
The hierarchy is domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species
Species: A group of organisms that resemble one another physically, behaviourally, or genetically, and that can interbreed under natural conditions to produce fertile offspring.
Why Do We Classify Organisms?
To determine a particular organism
To determine evolutionary relationships among organisms.
How Do We Name a Species?
The scientific name of a species consists of two parts:
Genus name
Species name
Canis familiaris– dogs
Example: Homo sapiens - humans
Rules when Writing Scientific Names
The first name is the Genus name → This is capitalized
The second name is the species name → this is NOT capitalized
The entire name must be EITHER typed in italics OR underlined if written by hand
Eukaryotic Evolution:
Endosymbiosis Theory
What Exactly Happened?
Membrane-Bound Organelles
Mitochondria = membrane-bound organelle that produces energy for the cell
Mitochondria and chloroplasts are a result of prokaryotes engulfing purple bacteria ( aerobic bacterium) and photosynthetic bacteria(cyanobacterium)
Chloroplast = membrane-bound organelle that captures sunlight and uses it to make food for the cell
Evidence in support of the endosymbiotic theory:
Similarities between mitochondria, chloroplasts, & prokaryotes:
1. Circular DNA and ribosomes
2. Reproduce similarly/binary fission
3. Inner membrane Composition
1. DNA and ribosomes
Chloroplasts and mitochondria both contain their own DNA and ribosomes
The DNA is circular🡪 very similar to ancient prokaryotes
Ribosomes in chloroplasts and mitochondria also have the same structure as ancient prokaryotes (yet the ribosomes in the rest of the eukaryotic cell look different)
2. Reproduction/binary fission
Choloplasts and mitochondria in eukaryotes reproduce EXACTLY the same way as ancient bacteria
3. Inner membrane composition
Cholorplasts and mitochondria have an inner membrane and an outermembrane.
The inner membrane has proteins that do not exists on the outer membrane .
Surely enough these proteins are found on outer membranes of ancient bacteria membranes (supporting the engulfing process)
The Six Kingdoms of Life
I Domain Archaea
1. Kingdom Archaebacteria
they are unicellular, prokaryotic
and some are autotrophic and
others heterotrophic
They are different from
bacteria in the structure and
chemical makeup of their cells.
Cell walls of different compositions
known as “ancient bacteria”; they are the most primitive type of organisms
they thrive in the most extreme environments on Earth; they are often referred to as “extremophiles”
found in thermal vents, hot springs, very salty water, swamps, and the intestines of cows
II. Domain Bacteria
2. Kingdom EuBacteria
They are found everywhere on Earth except extreme environments.
They are unicellular, prokaryotic, some are autotrophic and others are heterotrophic.
Cell wall made of peptidoglycan
III. Domain Eukarya (Eukaryota)
Protista (Protists)
the “odds and ends” kingdom;
includes any organism that can not be classified as a animal, plant, or fungus
most are unicellular, others are multicellular
some are autotrophs, others are heterotrophs
Some have a cell wall
most are multicellular (yeast-unicellular)
include yeast (unicellular), molds, mildews, and mushrooms
Cell wall made of chitin
Plants (Plantae)
most live on land
Cell wall of cellulose
Animals (Animalia)
live in diverse environments
Characteristics of Living Things
The Three domains
All organisms belong to one of three domains, depending on their characteristics. A domain is the most inclusive (broadest) taxonomic category. A single domain can contain one or more kingdoms.
I. Archeae: very primitive forms of bacteria
II. Bacteria : more advanced forms of bacteria
III. Eukaryota: all life forms with eukaryotic cells
Organisms are placed into domains and kingdoms based on their cell type, their ability to make food, and the number of cells in their bodies.
Organisms can be:
Prokaryotic – cells that lack a nucleus
Eukaryotic – cells that contain a nucleus
Unicellular – single-celled; made up of one cell
Multicellular – made up of many cells
Autotrophic – can make their own food
Heterotrophic – can not make their own food
7 Characteristics of Living Things
1…are composed of cells.
Single-cell organisms have everything they need to be self-sufficient.
In multicellular organisms, specialization increases until some cells do only certain things
2…have different levels of organization.
Both molecular and cellular organization.
Living things must be able to organize simple substances into complex ones.
Living things organize cells at several levels:
Tissue - a group of cells that perform a common function.
Organ - a group of tissues that perform a common function.
Organ system - a group of organs that perform a common function.
Organism - any complete living thing.
3. …use energy for maintenance and growth.
4. …respond to their environment.
5. …grow.
6. …reproduce.
7. …adapt to their environment.
Why is it Important to Classify Living Things?
Farmers and gardeners need to be able to identify weeds
Doctors need to be able to identify bacteria
Many groups of peoples, collect plants for medicinal uses—very important to be able to identify the plants.
Classification can assist in:
the discovery of new drugs, hormones, and other medical products
tracing the transmission of disease and the development and testing of possible treatments
increasing crop yields and disease and pest resistance
environmental conservation of organisms
Where Do We Start?
All of the millions of species on Earth share certain fundamental similarities
Species do exhibit structural diversity—diversity that is based on external and internal structural forms—that allow us to organize and identify.
Species can be classified by:
Biological Species Concept
Morphological Species Concept
Phylogenetic Species Concept
The first stage of Organization
Prokaryotic Cell: most ancient cell type; no membrane bound nucleus (i.e. bacteria); unicellular
Eukaryotic Cell: Has a ‘true nucleus’ and is membrane bound; multicellular