Upper Limbs

Shoulder & Arms
Anterior (5)
DeltoidORIGINClavicular PartLateral third of ClavicleAcromial PartAcromion of ScapulaSpinal PartSpine of ScapulaINSERTIONDeltoid Tuberosity of HumerusINNERVATIONAxillary Nerve (C5-C6)FUNCTION Shoulder Joint:Arm FlexionArm internal rotation(Clavicular Part)Arm Abduction(Acromial Part)Arm ExtensionArm Lateral Rotation(Spinal Part)KEN HUB:Deltoid muscle: Origin, insertion, innervation, function | Kenhub
Three heads of Deltoid

Deltoid Function
SubscapularisORIGINSubscapular Fossa of ScapulaINSERTIONLesser Tubercle of HumerusINNERVATIONUpper and Lower Subscapular Nerves (C5 - C6)FUNCTION Shoulder Joint:Arm internal rotationStabilizes Humeral head in glenoid cavity** Part of the Rotator CuffKEN HUB:Subscapularis: Origin, insertion, action, innervation | Kenhub

Subscapularis Function

CoracobrachialisORIGINCoracoid Process of ScapulaINSERTIONAnteromedial surface of humeral shaftINNERVATIONMusculocutaneous Nerve (C5 - C6)** Same as Biceps BrachiiFUNCTION Shoulder Joint:Arm flexionarm adductionKEN HUB:Coracobrachialis: Attachments, innervation, function. | Kenhub

Biceps Brachii
Biceps BrachiiORIGINLong Head:Supraglenoid tubercle of scapulaShort Head:Coracoid Process of ScapulaINSERTIONRadial Tuberosity of RadiusINNERVATIONMusculocutaneous Nerve (C5 - C6)** Same as CoracobrachialisFUNCTION Elbow Joint:Forearm flexionForearm supinationShoulder Joint:Weak arm flexionKEN HUB:


BrachialisORIGINDistal half of anterior surface of humerusINSERTIONUlnar tuberosity, coronoid process of ulnaINNERVATIONMusculocutaneous Nerve (C5 - C7)FUNCTION Elbow Joint:Forearm flexion (in all positions)KEN HUB:Brachialis muscle: Location, origin and insertion, action | Kenhub
aRotator Cuff
SITSSubscapularisTeres MinorSupraspinatusInfraspinatusKEN HUB:Rotator cuff muscles: Anatomy, functions, injury | Kenhub
aPosterior (6)
SupraspinatusORIGINSupraspinatus fossa of scapulaINSERTIONGreater Tubercle of humerus**Same as Infraspinatus & Teres MinorINNERVATIONSuprascapular Nerve (C5, C6)**Same as InfraspinatusFUNCTION Shoulder Joint:Arm abductionStabilizes Humeral Head in glenoid cavityKEN HUB:Supraspinatus: Origin, insertion, innervation, action | Kenhub
InfraspinatusORIGINInfraspinatus fossa of scapulaINSERTIONGreater Tubercle of humerus**Same as Supraspintus & Teres MinorINNERVATIONSuprascapular Nerve (C5, C6)**Same as SupraspintusFUNCTION Shoulder Joint:Arm external rotationStabilizes Humeral Head in glenoid cavityKEN HUB:Infraspinatus: Origin, insertion, innervation, function | Kenhub
aTeres Minor
Teres MinorORIGINLateral Border of scapulaINSERTIONGreater Tubercle of humerus**Same as Supraspintus & InfraspinatusINNERVATIONAxillary Nerve (C5, C6)FUNCTION Shoulder Joint:Arm external rotationArm adductionStabilizes Humeral Head in glenoid cavityKEN HUB:Teres minor: Origin, insertion, action and innervation | Kenhub
aTeres Major
Teres MajorORIGINInferior angle and lower part of lateral border of scapulaINSERTIONCrest of lesser tubercle of humerus (a.k.a Medial lip of intertubercular sulcus)INNERVATIONLower subscapular or thoracodorsal nerves (C5-C7)FUNCTION Shoulder Joint:Arm internal rotationArm extensionArm AdductionKEN HUB:Teres major muscle: Anatomy, function, clinical aspects | Kenhub
aTriceps Brachii
Triceps BrachiiORIGINLong Head:Infraglenoid tubercle of scapulaLateral Head:Posterior Surface of humerus (superior to radial groove)Medial Head:Posterior surface of humerus (inferior to radial groove)INSERTIONOlecranon of Ulna and Fascia of forearmINNERVATIONRadial Nerve (C6-C8)FUNCTION Shoulder Joint:Arm extensionArm Adduction (Long Head) Elbow Joint:Forearm ExtensionKEN HUB:Triceps brachii muscle: Attachments, supply and functions | Kenhub
AnconeusORIGINLateral epicondyle of humerusINSERTIONlateral surface of elecranonINNERVATIONRadial Nerve (C7,C8)FUNCTIONElbow Joint:Assits in Forearm ExtensionStabilization of elbow jointKEN HUB:Anconeus muscle: Origin, insertion, innervation, function | Kenhub

Anterior (8)
Pronator Teres
Pronator TeresORIGINHumeral Head:Medial supracondylar ridge of humerusUlnar Head:Corocoid process of ulna INSERTIONLateral surface of radius (distal to supinator)INNERVATIONMedian Nerve (C6, C7)FUNCTIONElbow Joint:Forearm FlexionProximal radioulnar joint:Forearm PronationKEN HUB:Pronator teres: Origin, insertion, innervation, action | Kenhub
aFlexor Carpi Radialis
Flexor Carpi RadialisORIGINMedial epicondyle of humerusINSERTIONBases of metacarpal bones 2-3INNERVATIONMedian Nerve (C6, C7)** Same as Pronator TeresFUNCTIONWrist Joint:Wrist FlexionWrist AbdutionKEN HUB:Flexor carpi radialis: Origin, insertion and action | Kenhub
aPalmaris Longus
Palmaris LongusORIGINMedial epicondyle of humerusINSERTIONFlexor retinaculumPalmar aponeurosisINNERVATIONMedian Nerve (C7, C8)FUNCTIONWrist Joint:Wrist FlexionTenses palmar aponeurosisKEN HUB:Palmaris longus: Origin, insertion and function | Kenhub
aFlexor Carpi Ulnaris
Flexor Carpi UlnarisORIGINMedial epicondyle of humerusOlecranon and posterior border of ulnaINSERTIONpisiform bone, hamate bone, Base of metacarpal bone 5INNERVATIONUlnar Nerve (C7 - T1)FUNCTIONWrist Joint:Wrist FlexionWrist AddutionKEN HUB:Flexor carpi ulnaris: Origin,insertion,innervation,action | Kenhub
aFlexor Digitorum Superficialis
Flexor Digitorum SuperficialisORIGINHumeroulnar head:Medial epicondyle of humerusCoracoid process of ulnaRadial Head:Proximal half of anterior border of radiusINSERTIONSides of middle phalanges of digits 2-5INNERVATIONMedian Nerve (C8, T1)FUNCTIONMetacarpaophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints 2-5: Finger FlexionKEN HUB:Flexor digitorum superficialis: Origin, insertion, action | Kenhub
aDEEP (3)
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Flexor Digitorum ProfundusORIGINProximal Half of anterior surface of ulna, interosseous membraneINSERTIONPalmar surfaces of distal phalanges of digits 2-5INNERVATIONDigits 2-3: Median Nerve (Anterior interosseous nerve)Digits 4-5: Ulnar nerve (C8, T1)FUNCTIONMetacarpaophalangeal and interphalangeal joints 2-5: Finger FlexionKENHUB:Flexor digitorum profundus: Origin, insertion, innervatio | Kenhub
aFlexor Pollicis Longus
Flexor Pollicis LongusORIGINAnterior surface of radius and interosseous membraneINSERTIONPalmar Surface of distal phalanx of thumbINNERVATIONMedian Nerve (anterior interosseous nerve) (C7, C8)**Same as Pronator QuadratusFUNCTIONMetacarpaophalangeal and interphalangeal joints 1: Thumb FlexionKENHUB:
Pronator Quadratus
Pronator QuadratusORIGINDistal anterior surface of ulnarINSERTIONDistal Anterior surface of radiusINNERVATIONMedian Nerve (anterior interosseous nerve) (C7, C8)**Same as Flexor Pollicis LongusFUNCTIONProximal radioulnar joint: Forearm pronationKENHUB:Pronator quadratus: Origin, insertion and function | Kenhub
aPosterior (11)
BrachioradialisThe brachioradialis is a superficial, fusiform muscle on the lateral side of the forearm that attaches proximally on the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus and distally on the radius, close to its styloid process. Near the elbow, it forms the lateral limit of the cubital fossa, or elbow pit.Despite the bulk of the muscle body being visible from the anterior aspect of the forearm, the brachioradialis is a posterior compartment muscle and consequently is innervated by the radial nerve.\Extensor Carpi Radialis LongusExtensor carpi radialis longus is a muscle that can be found in the posterior compartment of the forearm. It is partly overlapped by brachioradialisand these muscles often blend together. As its name suggests it is a wrist extensor and can be palpated inferoposteriorly to the elbow.Extensor Radialis BrevisExtensor carpi radialis brevis is a fusiform muscle found in the lateral part of the posterior forearm. Together with anconeus, brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi and extensor carpi ulnaris, it belongs to the superficial forearm extensor group.
BrachioradialisORIGINLateral supracondylar ridge of humerus, lateral intermuscular septum of arm**Same as Extensor Carpi Radialis LonusINSERTION(Proximal to) Styloid process of radius INNERVATIONRadial Nerve (C5-C8)**Same as Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis FUNCTION Elbow Joint:Forearm flexion (when semi pronated)KENHUB:Brachioradialis: Origin, insertion, innervation, action | Kenhub
aExtensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Extensor Carpi Radialis LongusORIGINLateral supracondylar ridge of humerus, lateral intermuscular septum of arm**Same as BrachioradialisINSERTIONPosterior aspect of base of metacarpal boneINNERVATIONRadial Nerve (C5-C8)**Same as BrachioradialisExtensor Carpi Radialis BrevisFUNCTIONWrist Joint:Hand ExtensionHand Abduction (Radial Deviation)**Same as Extensor Carpi Radialis BrevisKENHUB:Extensor carpi radialis longus: Anatomy, supply, function | Kenhub
aExtensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Extensor Carpi Radialis BrevisORIGINLateral epicondylar of humerus (common extensor tendon)**Same as Extensor DigitorumExtensor Digiti MinimiINSERTIONPosterior Aspect of base of metacarpal bone 3INNERVATIONRadial Nerve (C5-C8)**Same as BrachioradialisExtensor Carpi Radialis LongusFUNCTIONWrist Joint:Hand ExtensionHand Abduction (Radial Deviation)**Same as Extensor Carpi Radialis LongusKENHUB:Extensor carpi radialis brevis: Attachments and function | Kenhub
Extensor Digitorum
Extensor DigitorumORIGINLateral epicondylar of humerus (common extensor tendon)**Same as:Extensor DigitorumExtensor Digiti MinimiINSERTIONExtensor Expansion of digits 2-5INNERVATIONPosterior Interosseous Nerve (C7, C8)**Same as:Extensor Digiti MinimiExtensor Carpi UlnarisSupinatorAbductor Policis LongusExtensor Policis LongusExtensor Policis BrevisExtensor IndicisFUNCTIONMetacarpophalangeal/Interphalangeal Joint 2-5:Finger ExtensionKenhub:Extensor digitorum: Origin, insertion and action | Kenhub
aExtensor Digiti Minimi
Extensor Digiti MinimiORIGINLateral epicondylar of humerus (common extensor tendon)**Same as:Extensor DigitorumExtensor Carpi Radialis BrevisINSERTIONExtensor Expansion of digits 5INNERVATIONPosterior Interosseous Nerve (C7, C8)**Same as:Extensor DigitorumExtensor Carpi UlnarisSupinatorAbductor Policis LongusExtensor Policis LongusExtensor Policis BrevisExtensor IndicisFUNCTIONMetacarpophalangeal Joint 5:Finger ExtensionKenhub:Extensor digiti minimi: Attachments and function | Kenhub
aExtensor Carpi Ulnaris
Extensor Carpi UlnarisORIGINLateral epicondylar of humerus, Posterior border of ulnarINSERTIONBase of metacarpal bone 5INNERVATIONPosterior Interosseous Nerve (C7, C8)**Same as:Extensor DigitorumExtensor Digiti MinimiSupinatorAbductor Policis LongusExtensor Policis LongusExtensor Policis BrevisExtensor IndicisFUNCTIONWrist Joint:Hand ExtensionHand AdductionKenhub:Extensor carpi ulnaris: Origin, insertion and function | Kenhub
aDEEP (5)
SupinatorORIGINLateral epicondylar of humerusRadial Collateral LigamentAnular LigamentSupinator Crest of UlnaINSERTIONLateral, Posterior and Anteror surfaces of proximal third of radiusINNERVATIONPosterior Interosseous Nerve (C7, C8)**Same as:Extensor DigitorumExtensor Digiti MinimiExtensor Carpi UlnarisAbductor Policis LongusExtensor Policis LongusExtensor Policis BrevisExtensor IndicisFUNCTIONProximal RadioUlnar Joint:Forearm SupinationKenhub:Supinator: Origin, insertion and action | Kenhub
aAbductor Pollicis Longus
Abductor Policis LongusORIGINPosterior surface of proximal half of radius, ulna and interosseous membraneINSERTIONBase of metacarpal bone 1 (Trapezium bone)INNERVATIONPosterior Interosseous Nerve (C7, C8)**Same as:Extensor DigitorumExtensor Digiti MinimiExtensor Carpi UlnarisSupinatorExtensor Policis LongusExtensor Policis BrevisExtensor IndicisFUNCTION Radiocarpal Joint:Abduction(radial deviation)Carpometacarpal Joint of thumb:Thumb AbductionThumb ExtensionKenhub:Abductor pollicis longus: Origin, insertion and function | Kenhub
aExtensor Pollicis Longus
Extensor Pollicis LongusORIGINPosterior surface of middle third of ulna and interosseous membraneINSERTIONPosterior aspect of base of distal phalanx of thumbINNERVATIONPosterior Interosseous Nerve (C7, C8)**Same as:Extensor DigitorumExtensor Digiti MinimiExtensor Carpi UlnarisSupinatorAbductor Pollicis LongusExtensor Pollicis BrevisExtensor IndicisFUNCTIONWrist Joint:weak hand extensionMetacarpophalangeal & Interphalangeal joint of thumb:Thumb ExtensionKenhub:Extensor pollicis longus: Anatomy, innervation, function | Kenhub
aExtensor Pollicis Brevis
Extensor Pollicis BrevisORIGINPosterior surface of distal third of radius and interosseus membraneINSERTIONPosterior aspect of base of proximal phalanx of thumbINNERVATIONPosterior Interosseous Nerve (C7, C8)**Same as:Extensor DigitorumExtensor Digiti MinimiExtensor Carpi UlnarisSupinatorAbductor Pollicis LongusExtensor Pollicis LongusExtensor IndicisFUNCTIONMetacarpophalangeal & Carpometacarpal joint 1:Thumb ExtensionKenhub:Extensor pollicis brevis: Origin, insertion and action | Kenhub
aExtensor Indicis
Extensor IndicisORIGINPosterior surface of distal third of ulna and interosseus membraneINSERTIONExtensor expansion of index fingerINNERVATIONPosterior Interosseous Nerve (C7, C8)**Same as:Extensor DigitorumExtensor Digiti MinimiExtensor Carpi UlnarisSupinatorAbductor Pollicis LongusExtensor Pollicis LongusExtensor Pollicis BrevisFUNCTIONWrist Joint:Weak hand ExtensionMetacarpophalangeal & Interphalangeal joints of index fingerFinger ExtensionKenhub:Extensor pollicis brevis: Origin, insertion and action | Kenhub
Opponens Pollicis
Opponens PollicisORIGINTubercle of trapezium boneFlexor retinaculumINSERTIONRadial border of metacarpal bone 1INNERVATIONRecurrent branch of median nerve (C8, T1)FUNCTIONCarpometacarpal joint 1:Thumb oppositionKenhub:Opponens pollicis: Origin, insertion and function | Kenhub
aAbductor Policis Brevis
Abductor Pollicis BrevisORIGINTubercle of scaphoid and trapezium bonesFlexor retinaculumINSERTIONLateral Aspect of base of proximal phalanx 1 (via radial sesamoid bone)INNERVATIONRecurrent branch of median nerve (C8, T1)FUNCTIONCarpometacarpal joint 1:Thumb AbductionKenhub:Abductor pollicis brevis: Origin, insertion and function | Kenhub
aFlexor Pollicis Brevis
Flexor Pollicis BrevisORIGIN Superficial head:Flexor retinaculumtubercle of trapezium bone Deep Head:Trapezoid and capitate bonesINSERTIONLateral Aspect of base of proximal phalanx 1(via radial sesamoid bone)INNERVATION Superficial Head:Recurrent branch of median nerve Deep Head:Deep Branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)FUNCTIONCarpometacarpal & metacarpophalangeal joint 1:Thumb FlexionKenhub:Flexor pollicis brevis: Origin, insertion and action | Kenhub
aAdductor Pollicis
Adductor PollicisORIGINTransverse head:Palmar base of metacarpal bone 3Oblique Head:Capitate bonePalmar Bases of metacarpal bones 2 & 3INSERTIONMedial base of proximal phalanx 1 (via ulnar sesamoid bone)INNERVATIONDeep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)FUNCTIONCarpometacarpal joint 1:Thumb AdductionKenhub:Adductor pollicis: Origin, insertion and function | Kenhub
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Abductor Digiti MinimiORIGINPisiform bone (Pisohamate ligament, tendor of flexor carpi ulnaris)INSERTIONUlnar side of base of proximal phalanx of digit 5Extensor expansion of digit 5INNERVATIONDeep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)FUNCTIONMetacarpophalangeal joint 5:Finger Abduction and FlexionInterphalangeal joints:Finger ExtensionKenhub:Abductor digiti minimi of hand: Origin, insertion, action | Kenhub
aFlexor Digiti Minimi
Flexor Digiti MinimiORIGINHook of HamateFlexor RetinaculumINSERTIONBase of proximal phalanx of digit 5INNERVATIONDeep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)FUNCTIONMetacarpophalangeal joint 5:Finger Flexion (+ Finger Lateral rotation/opposition)Kenhub:Flexor digiti minimi brevis of hand: Anatomy, function | Kenhub
aOpponens Digiti Minimi
Opponens Digiti MinimiORIGINHook of HamateFlexor RetinaculumINSERTIONUlnar aspect of metacarpal bone 5INNERVATIONDeep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)FUNCTIONCarpometacarpophalangeal joint 5:Finger FlexionFinger Lateral rotation/oppositionKenhub:Opponens digiti minimi of hand: Origin, insertion, action | Kenhub
aPalmaris Brevis
Palmaris BrevisORIGINPalmar aponeurosisFlexor retinaculumINSERTIONDermis of skin of hypothenar regionINNERVATIONSuperficial branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)FUNCTIONTightens palmar aponeurosis, Tightens gripKenhub:Palmaris brevis: Attachments, innervation and function | Kenhub
Lumbricals (4)
Lumbricals (4)ORIGIN 1 & 2:Radial Aspect of tendons 1&2 of flexor digitorum profundus 3 & 4:Opposing aspects of tendons 2-4 of flexor digitorum profundusINSERTIONRadial aspect of extensor expansion of digits 2-5INNERVATION1 & 2:Median Nerve (C8, T1)3 & 4:Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8-T1)FUNCTION Metacarpophalangeal joints 2-5:Finger Flexion Interphalangeal joints 2-5:Finger ExtensionKenhub:Lumbrical muscles of the hand: Anatomy and pathology | Kenhub
aDorsal Interossei (4)
Dorsal Interossei (4)ORIGINAdjacent sides of metacarpal bones 1-5INSERTION1 & 2:Radial bases of proximal phalangesextensor expansions of digits 2 & 33 & 4:Ulnar bases of proximal phalangesExtensor of digits 3 & 4INNERVATIONDeep Branch of ulnar nerve (C8-T1)FUNCTIONMetacarpophalangeal joints 2-4:Finger FlexionFinger abductionInterphalangeal joints 2-4:Finger ExtensionKenhub:Dorsal interossei of hand: Anatomy and function | Kenhub
aPalmar Interossei (3)
Palmar Interossei (3)ORIGINUlnar side of metacarpal bone 2Radial side of metacarpal bones 4 & 5INSERTION1:Ulnar base of proximal phalanxExtensor expansion of digit 22 & 3:Radial base of proximal phalangesExtensor of digits 4 & 5INNERVATIONDeep Branch of ulnar nerve (C8-T1)FUNCTIONMetacarpophalangeal joints 2,4 & 5:Finger FlexionFinger adductionInterphalangeal joints 2,4 & 5:Finger ExtensionKenhub:Palmar interossei: Origin, insertion, action, innervation | Kenhub
How are Muscles named?
Lower Body
Gluteus Maximus
Gluteus MaximusORIGINLateroposterior surface of sacrum and coccyxGluteal Surface of ilium (behind posterior gluteal line)Thoracolumbar fasciaSacrotuberous ligamentINSERTIONIliotibial tractGluteal tuberosity of femurINNERVATIONInterior gluteal nerve (L5-S2)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh ExtensionThigh External RotationThigh Abduction (superior part)Thigh Adduction (Inferior part)Kenhub:Gluteus maximus: Origin, insertion, innervation, function | Kenhub
aGluteus Medius
Gluteus MediusORIGINGluteal Surface of ilium(between anterior and posterior gluteal lines)INSERTIONlateral aspect of greater trochanter of femurINNERVATIONSuperior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh Internal rotation (anterior part)Thigh AbductionPelvis StabilisationKenhub:Gluteus medius: Origin, insertion, innervation, function | Kenhub
aGluteus Minimus
Gluteus MinimusORIGINGluteal Surface of ilium(between anterior and inferior gluteal lines)INSERTIONAnterior aspect of greater trochanter of femurINNERVATIONSuperior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh Internal rotation (anterior part)Thigh AbductionPelvis StabilisationKenhub:Gluteus minimus: Origin, insertion, innervation, function | Kenhub
aTensor Fasciae Latae
Tensor Fascia LataeORIGINAnterior Superior Iliac SpineOuter Lip of Iliac CrestINSERTIONIliotibial tractINNERVATIONSuperior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh Internal rotationWeak abductionKnee Joint:Leg external rotationWeak leg flexion/extensionStabilises Hip & Knee JointsKenhub:Tensor fasciae latae muscle: Anatomy and function | Kenhub
aINNER HIP (7 + 3)
IliacusORIGINIliac FossaINSERTIONLesser Trochanter of FemurINNERVATIONFemoral Nerve (L2-L4)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh/Trunk flexionThigh External RotationTrunk Lateral Flexion (Psoas major/minor only)Kenhub:Iliacus: Origin, insertion, innervation, function | Kenhub
aPsoas Major
Psoas MajorORIGINVertebral bodies of T12-L4Intervertebral discs between T12-L4Costal Processes of L1-L5 vertebraeINSERTIONLesser Trochanter of FemurINNERVATIONAnterior rami of spinal nerves L1-L3FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh/Trunk flexionThigh External RotationTrunk Lateral Flexion (Psoas major/minor only)Kenhub:Psoas major: Origins, insertions, actions, innervation | Kenhub
aPsoas Minor
Psoas MinorORIGINVertebral bodies of T12-L1INSERTIONIliopubic eminencePectineal line of pubisINNERVATIONAnterior rami of spinal nerves L1-L3FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh/Trunk flexionThigh External RotationTrunk Lateral Flexion (Psoas major/minor only)Kenhub:Psoas minor muscle: Anatomy, innervation and function | Kenhub
aObturator Externus
Obturator ExternusORIGINAnterior Surface of obturator membraneBony boundaries of obturator foramenINSERTIONTrochanter fossa of femurINNERVATIONObturator nerve (L3, L4)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh External RotationThigh Abduction (from flexed hip)Stabilises head of femur in acetabulumKenhub:Obturator externus: Origin, insertion, innervation,action | Kenhub
Triceps Coxae
Obturator Internus
Obturator InternusORIGINIschiopubic ramusPosterior surface of obturator membraneINSERTIONMedial surface of greater trochanterINNERVATIONNerve to Obturator Internus (L5, S1)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh External RotationThigh Abduction (from flexed hip)Stabilises head of femur in acetabulumKenhub:Obturator internus: Attachments, innervation and action | Kenhub
aSuperior Gemellus
Superior GemellusORIGINIschial SpineINSERTIONMedial surface of greater trochanter of femur(via Tendon of obturator internus)INNERVATIONNerve to Obturator Internus (L5, S1)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh External RotationThigh Abduction (from flexed hip)Stabilises head of femur in acetabulumKenhub:Superior gemellus: Origin, insertion, innervation, action | Kenhub
aInferior Gemellus
Inferior GemellusORIGINIschial TuberosityINSERTIONMedial surface of greater trochanter of femur(via Tendon of obturator internus)INNERVATIONNerve to Quadratus Femoris (L4-S1)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh External RotationThigh Abduction (from flexed hip)Stabilises head of femur in acetabulumKenhub:Inferior gemellus: Origin, insertion, innervation, action | Kenhub
PiriformisORIGINAnterior surface of the sacrum (between the S2 and S4)Gluteal surface of ilium (near posterior iliac spine)Sacrotuberous ligamentINSERTIONApex of greater trochanter of femurINNERVATIONNerve to piriformis (S1-S2)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh External RotationThigh Abduction (from flexed hip)Stabilises head of femur in acetabulumKenhub:Piriformis muscle: Origin, insertion and action | Kenhub
aQuadratus Femoris
Quadratus FemorisORIGINIschial TuberosityINSERTIONIntertrochanteric crest of femurINNERVATIONNerve to quadratus femoris (L4-S2)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh External RotationStabilises head of femur in acetabulumKenhub:Quadratus femoris: Origin, insertion, innervation, action | Kenhub
SartoriusORIGINAnterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)INSERTIONProximal end of tibia below medial condyle (via pes anserinus)INNERVATIONFemoral Nerve (L2-L4)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh FlexionThigh AbductionThigh External RotationKnee Joint:Leg flexionLeg internal rotationKenhub:Sartorius muscle: Anatomy, attachments, function | Kenhub
aQuadriceps Femoris
Rectus Femoris
Rectus FemorisORIGINAnterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS)Supracetabular grooveINSERTIONTibial Tuberosity(via patellar ligament)PatellarINNERVATIONFemoral Nerve (L2-L4)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh FlexionKnee Joint:Leg ExtensionPhysiopedia:Rectus Femoris - Physiopedia (
aVastus Intermedius
Vastus IntermediusORIGINAnterior Surface of femoral shaftINSERTIONTibial Tuberosity(via patellar ligament)PatellarINNERVATIONFemoral Nerve (L2-L4)FUNCTIONKnee Joint:Leg ExtensionPhysiopedia:Vastus Intermedius - Physiopedia (
aVastus Lateralis
Vastus LateralisORIGINLinea aspera of femurGreater trochanter of femurINSERTIONTibial Tuberosity(via patellar ligament)Patellar(Lateral condyle of tibia)INNERVATIONFemoral Nerve (L2-L4)FUNCTIONKnee Joint:Leg ExtensionPhysiopedia:Vastus Lateralis - Physiopedia (
aVastus Medialis
Vastus MedialisORIGINIntertrochanteric lineSpiral Line & Linea asperaMedial Supracondylar line of femurINSERTIONTibial Tuberosity(via patellar ligament)Patellar(Medial condyle of tibia)INNERVATIONFemoral Nerve (L2-L4)FUNCTIONKnee Joint:Leg ExtensionPhysiopedia:Vastus Medialis - Physiopedia (
SemimembranosusORIGINSuperolateral impression of ischial tuberosityINSERTIONMedial Condyle of TibiaINNERVATIONTibial Division of sciatic nerve (L2-S2)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh ExtensionThigh Internal RotationKnee Joint:Leg FlexionLeg internal RotationStabilises pelvisPhysiopedia:Semimembranosus - Physiopedia (
SemitendinosusORIGINPosteromedial impression of ischial tuberosityINSERTIONProximal end of tibia below medial condyle (via pes ansernius)INNERVATIONTibial Division of sciatic nerve (L2-S2)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh ExtensionThigh Internal RotationKnee Joint:Leg FlexionLeg internal RotationStabilises pelvisPhysiopedia:Semitendinosus - Physiopedia (
aBiceps Femoris
Biceps FemorisORIGINLong Head:inferomedial impression of ischial tuberositySacrotuberous ligamentShort Head:Linea aspera of femur (lateral lip)Lateral supracondylar line of femurINSERTIONLateral aspect of head of fibulaINNERVATIONLong Head:Tibial Division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)Short Head:Common fibular division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh ExtensionThigh External RotationKnee Joint:Leg FlexionLeg External RotationStabilises pelvisPhysiopedia:Biceps Femoris - Physiopedia (
PectineusORIGINSuperior Pubic Ramus (Pectineal line of pubis)INSERTIONPectineal line of femurLinea aspera of femurINNERVATIONFemoral Nerve (L2, L3)Obturator nerve (L2, L3)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh FlexionThigh External RotationThigh AdductorThigh Internal RotationPelvis StabilizationPhysiopedia:Pectineus Muscle - Physiopedia (
aAdductor Magnus
Adductor MagnusORIGINAdductor part:Inferior pubic ramusIschial RamusIschiocondylar part:Ischial TuberosityINSERTIONAdductor part:Gluteal TuberosityLinea AsperaMedial LipMedial Supracondylar line Ischiocondylar part:Adductor tubercle of femurINNERVATIONAdductor part:Obturator nerve (L2-L4)Ischiocondylar part:Tibial Division of Sciatic Nerve (L4)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh FlexionThigh External Rotation (Adductor part)Thigh AdductionThigh ExtensionThigh Internal Rotation (Ischiocondylar part)Pelvis StabilizationPhysiopedia:Adductor Magnus - Physiopedia (
aAdductor Minimus
Adductor MinimusORIGINInferior pubic ramusINSERTIONGluteal Tuberosity of femurINNERVATIONObturator nerve (L2-L4)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh External RotationThigh AdductionPhysiopedia:Adductor Magnus - Physiopedia (
aAdductor Longus
Adductor LongusORIGINAnterior body of pubisINSERTIONLinea aspera of femur (medial lip)INNERVATIONObturator nerve (L2-L4)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh FlexionThigh External RotationThigh AdductionPelvis StabilizationPhysiopedia:Adductor Longus - Physiopedia (
aAdductor Brevis
Adductor BrevisORIGINAnterior body of pubisInferior pubic ramusINSERTIONLinea aspera of femur (medial lip)INNERVATIONObturator nerve (L2-L4)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh FlexionThigh External RotationThigh AdductionPelvis StabilizationPhysiopedia:Adductor Brevis - Physiopedia (
GracilisORIGINAnterior body of pubisInferior pubic ramusIschial RamusINSERTIONMedial Surface of Proximal tibia (via pes anserinus)INNERVATIONObturator nerve (L2-L3)FUNCTIONHip Joint:Thigh FlexionThigh AdductionKnee Joint:Leg FlexionLeg internal rotationPhysiopedia:Gracilis - Physiopedia (
aLEG (3)
Tibialis anterior
Tibialis AnteriorORIGINLateral tibial condyleProximal half of lateral surface of tibiaInterosseous membraneINSERTIONMedial Cuneiform boneBase of metatarsal bone 1INNERVATIONDeep fibular nerve (L4, L5)FUNCTIONTalocrural Joint:Foot DorsiflexionSubtalar Joint:Foot InversionSupports medial longitudinal arch of footPhysiopedia:Tibialis Anterior - Physiopedia (
aExtensor Hallucis Longus
Extensor Hallucis LongusORIGINMiddle third of medial surface of fibulaInterosseous membraneINSERTIONBase of distal phalanx of great toeINNERVATIONDeep fibular nerve (L4, L5)FUNCTIONMatatarsalphalangeal & Interphalangeal Joint 1:Toe ExtensionTalocrural Joint:Foot DorsiflexionPhysiopedia:Extensor Hallucis Longus - Physiopedia (
aExtensor Digitorum Longus
Extensor Digitorum LongusORIGINProximal half of medial surface of fibulaLateral tibial condyleInterosseous membraneINSERTIONDistal & middle phalanges of digits 2-5INNERVATIONDeep fibular nerve (L4, L5)FUNCTIONMatatarsalphalangeal & Interphalangeal Joint 2-5:Toe ExtensionTalocrural Joint:Foot DorsiflexionSubtalar Joint:Foot eversionPhysiopedia:Extensor digitorum longus - Physiopedia (
aFibularis Tertius
Fibularis TertiusORIGINDistal thrid of medial surface of fibulaAnterior intermuscluar septumINSERTIONDiorsal surface of base of metatarsal bone 5INNERVATIONDeep fibular nerve (L4, L5)FUNCTIONTalocrural Joint:Foot DorsiflexionSubtalar Joint:Foot eversionPhysiopedia:Fibularis tertius: Origin, insertion, innervation, action | Kenhub
Fibularis Longus
Peroneus Longus
Fibularis LongusORIGINHead of FibulaProximal 2/3 of lateral surface of fibulaAnterior and posterior intermuscular septaINSERTIONMedial cuneiform boneMetatarsal bone 1INNERVATIONSuperficial fibular nerve (L5, S1)FUNCTIONTalocrural Joint:Foot Plantar FlexionSubtalar Joint:Foot eversionSupports longitudinal and transverse arches of footPhysiopedia:Peroneus (Fibularis) Longus Muscle - Physiopedia (
aFibularis Brevis
Peroneus Brevis
Fibularis BrevisORPeroneus BrevisORIGINDistal 2/3 of lateral surface of fibulaAnterior intermuscular septumINSERTIONTuberosity of metatarsal bone 5INNERVATIONSuperficial fibular nerve (L5, S1)FUNCTIONTalocrural Joint:Foot Plantar FlexionSubtalar Joint:Foot eversionPhysiopedia:Peroneus Brevis - Physiopedia (
GastrocnemiusORIGIN Lateral Head:Posterolateral surface of lateral femoral condyle Medial Head:Posterior surface of medial femoral condylePopliteal surface of femoral shaftINSERTIONPosterior Surface of calcaneus (Via calcaneus tendon)INNERVATIONTibial NerveFUNCTIONTalocrural Joint:Foot Plantar FlexionSubtalar Joint:Foot eversionPhysiopedia:Gastrocnemius - Physiopedia (
SoleusORIGINSoleal lineMedial Border of TibiaINSERTIONPosterior Surface of calcaneus(Via calcaneus tendon)INNERVATIONTibial NerveFUNCTIONTalocrural Joint:Foot Plantar FlexionPhysiopedia:Soleus - Physiopedia (
PlantarisORIGINLateral Supracondylar line of femurINSERTIONPosterior Surface of calcaneus(Via calcaneus tendon)INNERVATIONTibial NerveFUNCTIONTalocrural Joint:Foot Plantar FlexionKnee Joint:Knee FlexionPhysiopedia:Plantaris - Physiopedia (
PopliteusORIGINLateral femoral condylePosterior horn of lateral meniscus of knee jointINSERTIONPosterior Surface of proximal tibiaINNERVATIONTibial Nerve (L5-S2)FUNCTIONUnlocks Knee JointKnee stabilizationPhysiopedia:Popliteus Muscle - Physiopedia (
aTibialis Anterior
Tibialis PosteriorORIGINPosterior surface of tibiaPosterior surface of fibulaInterosseous membraneINSERTIONTuberosity of navicular boneAll Cuneiform bonesBases of metatarsal bones (2-4)Cuboid boneINNERVATIONTibial Nerve (L4-L5)FUNCTIONTalocrural Joint:Foot Plantar FlexionSubtalar Joint:Foot inversionSupports medial longitudinal arch of footPhysiopedia:Tibialis Posterior - Physiopedia (
aFlexor Digitorum Longus
Flexor Digitorum LongusORIGINPosterior surface of tibiaINSERTIONBases of distal phalanges of digits 2-5INNERVATIONTibial Nerve (L5-S2)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints 2-5:Toe FlexionTalocrural Joint:Foot Plantar FlexionSubtalar Joint:Foot inversionPhysiopedia:Flexor digitorum longus - Physiopedia (
aFlexor Hallucis Longus
Flexor Hallucis LongusORIGIN(Distal 2/3 of) Posterior surface of fibulaInterosseous membranePosterior intermuscular septumFascia of tibialis posterior muscleINSERTIONBases of distal phalanx of great toeINNERVATIONTibial Nerve (S2-S3)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints 1:Toe FlexionTalocrural Joint:Foot Plantar FlexionSubtalar Joint:Foot inversionPhysiopedia:Flexor hallucis longus - Physiopedia (
aFOOT (4)
Abductor Hallucis
Abductor HallucisORIGINMedial process of calcaneal tuberosityFlexor retinaculumPlantar aponeurosisINSERTIONBase of proximal phalanx of great toeINNERVATIONMedial plantar nerve (S1-S3)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joint 1:Toe AbductionToe FlexionSupport of longitudinal arch of footPhysiopedia:
aFlexor Hallucis Brevis
Flexor Hallucis BrevisORIGINTendon of tibialis posteriorMedial cuneiform boneLateral Cuneiform boneCuboid boneINSERTIONLateral and medial aspects of base of proximal phalanx of great toeINNERVATIONMedial plantar nerve (S1, S2)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joint 1:Toe FlexionSupport of longitudinal arch of footPhysiopedia:Flexor Hallucis Brevis - Physiopedia (
aAdductor Hallucis
(Central Compartment)
Adductor HallucisORIGINOblique Head:Bases metatarsal bones 2-4Cuboid boneLateral Cuneiform boneTendon of fibularis longus muscleTransverse Head:Plantar metatarsophalangeal Deep transverse metatarsal ligaments of toes 3-5 INSERTIONLateral aspect of base of proximal phalanx of great toeINNERVATIONLateral plantar nerve (S2, S3)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joint 1:Toe AdductionToe FlexionSupport of longitudinal & transverse arches of footPhysiopedia:Adductor Hallucis - Physiopedia (
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Flexor Digitorum BrevisORIGINMedial Process of calcaneal tuberosityPlantar aponeurosisINSERTIONMiddle phalanges of digits 2-5INNERVATIONMedial plantar nerve (S1-S3)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joints 2-5:Toe FlexionSupports longitudinal arch of footPhysiopedia:Flexor Digitorum Brevis - Physiopedia (
aQuadratus Plantae
Quadratus PlantaeORIGINMedial surface of calcaneus boneLateral process of calcaneal tuberosityINSERTIONTendon of flexor digitorum longusINNERVATIONLateral plantar nerve (S1-S3)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joints 2-5:Toe FlexionPhysiopedia:Quadratus Plantae - Physiopedia (
aLumbricals (4)
Lumbricals (4)ORIGINTendons of flexor digitorum longusINSERTIONMedial bases of procimal phalanges Extensor expansion of digits 2-5INNERVATIONLumbrical 1:Medial plantar nerve (S2,S3)Lumbrical 2-4:Lateral plantar nerve (S2-S3)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joints 2-5:Toe FlexionToe AdductionInterphalangeal joints 2-5;Toe ExtensionPhysiopedia:Lumbricals of foot: Attachments, innervation and action | Kenhub
aPlantar Interossei (3)
Plantar Interossei (3)ORIGINMedial aspects of metatarsal bones 3-5INSERTIONMedial bases of proximal phalangesExtensor expansion of digits 3-5INNERVATIONLateral plantar nerve (S2-S3)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joints 3-5:Toe FlexionToe AdductionInterphalangeal joints 3-5;Toe ExtensionPhysiopedia:Plantar interossei muscles - Wikipedia
aDorsal Interossei (4)
Dorsal Interossei (4)ORIGINOpposing sides of metatarsal bones 1-5INSERTION1:Medial bases of proximal phalanx of digit 22:Lateral bases of proximal phalangesExtensor expansion of digits 2-4INNERVATIONLateral plantar nerve (S2-S3)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joints 2-4:Toe FlexionToe AbductionInterphalangeal joints 2-4;Toe ExtensionPhysiopedia:Dorsal Interossei of the Foot - Physiopedia (
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Abductor Digiti MinimiORIGINCalcaneal tuberosityPlantar AponeurosisINSERTIONBase of proximal phalanx of digit 5Metatarsal bone 5INNERVATIONLateral plantar nerve (S1-S3)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joints 5:Toe FlexionToe AbductionSupports longitudinal arch of footPhysiopedia:Abductor Digiti Minimi (Foot) - Physiopedia (
aFlexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Flexor Digiti MinimiORIGINBase of metatarsal bone 5Long plantar ligamentINSERTIONBase of proximal phalanx of digit 5INNERVATIONLateral plantar nerve (S2-S3)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joints 5:Toe FlexionPhysiopedia:Flexor digiti minimi brevis of foot: Anatomy and function | Kenhub
aOpponens Digiti Minimi
Opponens digiti minimiORIGINLong plantar ligamentBase of metatarsal bone 5Tendon Sheath of fibularis longusINSERTIONLateral Borer of metatarsal bone 5INNERVATIONLateral plantar nerve (S2-S3)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joints 5:Toe FlexionToe AbductionPhysiopedia:
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Extensor Digitorum BrevisORIGINSuperolateral surface of calcaneus boneInterosseous talocalcaneal ligamentStem of inferior extensor retinaculumINSERTIONExtensor digitorum longus tendons of toes 2-4INNERVATIONDeep fibular/peroneal nerve (L5, S1)FUNCTIONDistal Interphalangeal joints 2-4:Toe ExtensionPhysiopedia:Extensor Digitorum Brevis - Physiopedia (
aExtensor Hallucis Brevis
Extensor Hallucis BrevisORIGINSuperolateral surface of calcaneus boneINSERTIONProximal phalanx of great toeINNERVATIONDeep fibular/peroneal nerve (L5, S1)FUNCTIONMetatarsophalangeal joints 1:Toe ExtensionPhysiopedia:Extensor Hallucis Brevis - Physiopedia (