My Careers Concept Map

Accountants perform a wide range of tasks such as accounting, auditing, tax, and consulting. Critical skills required for this job include: Analytical skills. Accountants must be able to identify issues in documentation and suggest solutions. Math skills. accountants must be able to analyze, compare, and interpret facts and figures. Organizational skills. Important for accountants considering they often work with a range of financial documents. Detail oriented. Accountants must pay attention to detail when compiling and examining documentation.
From the Learning Styles Survey, I discovered that I process information best through looking and seeing. I can easily process numbers, charts, and spreadsheets. This skill goes hand in hand with analytical skills as this learning style would help me analyze important documents.
From the Knowledge Survey, I learned that after business, my second strongest subject is math with an 89%. This directly relates to the math skills I would need with accounting.
From the Personality Type, I learned that I am an ISTJ. The 'S' represents sensing, and within this category includes the trait to collect and present information in an orderly fashion, and the trait to explain things in an organized manner. This further explains why I would suit the accountant position, as I possess organizational skills.
From the Left Brain or Right Brain Quiz, I learned that I am an left brained. Left brain people tend to look at details more attentively than others. This connects to the need for an accountant to be detail oriented.

Astronomers use ground-based equipment to make observations and collect data on the motions, compositions, and other properties of celestial objects. Critical skills required for this job include: Analytical skills. Astronomers need to be able to think logically to carry out scientific experiments and studies. They must be precise and accurate in their analysis because errors could invalidate their research. Problem-solving skills. Astronomers use scientific observation and analysis to solve complex scientific questions. Math skills. Astronomers perform complex calculations involving calculus, geometry, algebra, and other areas of mathematics. Critical-thinking skills. Astronomers must carefully evaluate their own work and the work of others.
From the Learning Styles Survey, I discovered that I process information best through looking and seeing. I can easily process numbers, charts, and spreadsheets. This skill goes hand in hand with analytical skills.
From the Personality Type, I learned that I am an ISTJ. The 'T' represents thinking, and within this category includes the trait to make decisions based off facts rather than whims. This trait provides great problem solving skills that an astronomer would need.
From the Knowledge Survey, I learned that after business, my second strongest subject is math with an 89%. This directly relates to the math skills I would need.
From the Left Brain or Right Brain Quiz, I learned that I am an left brained. Left brain people excel at tasks that require critical thinking,
Lawyers advise and represent individuals, businesses, and government agencies on legal issues and disputes. Critical skills required for this job include: Analytical skills. Lawyers must be able to analyze large amounts of information, determine relevant facts, and propose viable solutions. Problem-solving skills. Lawyers must separate their emotions and prejudice from their clients’ problems and objectively evaluate the matter. Speaking skills. Lawyers must be able to clearly present and explain evidence to a judge and jury. Persuasion Skills. A lawyer must be able to defend their client with good persuasion.
From the Learning Styles Survey, I discovered that I process information best through looking and seeing. I can easily process numbers, charts, and spreadsheets. This skill goes hand in hand with analytical skills.
From the Personality Type, I learned that I am an ISTJ. The 'T' represents thinking, and within this category includes the trait to make decisions based off facts rather than whims, Thus providing the problem solving skills a lawyer would need.
From the Left Brain or Right Brain Quiz, I learned that I am an left brained. Left brain people are good at stringing professional sentences together, therefore having good speaking skills.
From the Interests Quiz, I learned that I am the Mentor Type. Being extremely social, 'the Mentor' has the persuasiveness to convince people to join their project or cause. Overall, they are good with people and have the persuasion skills that a lawyer needs.
Financial Manager

Financial managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operation of financial and accounting departments. Critical skills required for this job include: Analytical skills. Financial managers may assist executives in making decisions that affect their organization, a task for which these managers need analytical ability. Detail oriented. In preparing and analyzing reports such as balance sheets and income statements, financial managers must pay attention to detail. Math skills. Financial managers must be skilled in math, including algebra. An understanding of international finance and complex financial documents is also is important. Organizational skills. Financial managers deal with a range of information and documents and so must stay organized to do their jobs effectively.
From the Learning Styles Survey, I discovered that I process information best through looking and seeing. I can easily process numbers, charts, and spreadsheets. This skill goes hand in hand with analytical skills.
From the Left Brain or Right Brain Quiz, I learned that I am an left brained. Left brain people tend to look at details more attentively than others. This connects to the need to be detail oriented for this job.
From the Knowledge Survey, I learned that after business, my second strongest subject is math with an 89%. This directly relates to the math skills I would need.
From the Personality Type, I learned that I am an ISTJ. The 'S' represents sensing, and within this category includes the trait to collect and present information in an orderly fashion, and the trait to explain things in an organized manner. This shows that I possess organizational skills.