Organisations Losing from Climate Change
Increased cost on fossil fuel mining
Busniness interuptions due to weather
Increased liability, risks & costs due to extreme weather
Less demand of virgin materials and an increased demand for recycable matter.
Reputational demage on organisations whom do not commit to climate change.
Building and Contruction
decreased avaliabilty and increade price on materials
Tolko- Canada, pine trees production forestry.
Weather affecting building schedules
Typhonn Haiyan Phillipeans
Limits developing opportunity on water scarce and high bio diversity areas.
Shift in skills & knowledge required to meet change in markets.
Stricter limits on waste.
Building inland away from sea scales
National Georaphic- rising seas, 'if all the ice melted'
Millions of real estate will dissapear due to rising sea levels.
Clothing & Retail
Levi Straus
Logistics orgaanisations
Electric Power
Stricter regulations on greenhouse gases.
Increase regulation on air emissions & water supply.
Threat to current utility business model.
Decreased water supply to generate energy= Competition between companies.
Less demand for carbon based energy.
Increased cost on fossil fules
Increased cost on water due to scarsity
Extreme weather effecting businesses
EDF- France 2003, forced to shut down 6 plants due to extreme weather.
Product phase outs
Increased regulations on air emisions
Organisations reputionall damage
BP Oil Spill
Pressure on companies to disclose health & safety data.
Increased uncertainty on the underwriting in insurance claims
increased cost of claims
Pressure on lenders to understand their clients impact on the enviroment.
Reputational damage for companies lending to unefficient organisations.
Calvert Investment- Canada
Barclays Bank