If you have trouble deciding on an idea for your scene, use google and search: "Scene Prompts" or "Script Prompts"
Write your "elevator pitch"
An "elevator pitch" is a quick description of your idea
Create a google doc and begin planning out your script.
You can list character names, outline your plot, take notes, brainstorm, etc in your google doc— whatever is most helpful to you to organize your ideas.
Write your script
Using the Script Format guidelines, write your original scripted scene. Keep in mind that scripts are written in a specific format. Use the script format references to check that you are writing in the correct format.
Beta Test
Have a classmate read through your script as an audience member. Get feedback regarding whether the scene "works" or whether additional information must be added.
Edit & improve
Use the reference material to check that you have met expectations, are writing in the proper format, and are creating a complete scene.