Paris Climate Agreement:
a legally binding international treaty on climate change.
Policy goals:
Slow global warming by reducing green house gas (GHG) emissions to 2 degrees C (preferably 1.5 C) compared to pre-industrial levels. Equivalent to the RCP 1.9.
Global social changes
decrease reliance on dietary animal protein,
stricter GHG emmission requirements
Decreased reliance of fossil fuels,
Stop deforrestation
Develop socioencomic and gender
equality in the supporting job sector
Improved climate consciousness
Global economic changes
Support clean energy-related jobs
Policy actions:
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) of each country
Climate actions
Financial plan
Build resilience actions
Assure that resilience does not widen health diaparities between privagedged underprilvaleged people. There must be equal access to means of
Policy reviews:
Current Period: every 5 years
each countries progress is reviewed
Policy of assistance: Developed countries support developing countries
By providing Capacity Building support
Question A. 1. Describe the Paris Climate Accord or the Paris Agreement. 2. How does it work 3. what are its policy arms from a global perspective. 4. How is it supported financially? 5. Compare and contrast the goals of the Paris Agreement with another RCP scenario and its potential climate change impacts.
Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP): a set of climate change scenarios (van Vuuren, et al., 2011; Uejio, et al., 2021).
Phase 1: Development of RCPs
Forecasts are based on carbon-cycle climate models and integrated assessment models (IAMs)
Variables: containing emissions, concentraitions, land-use trajectory
Phase 2: Parallel development phase of climate model runs
Variables: New socio-economic scenarios considered