Reagan Election of 1980

LONG-TERM factors

Unraveling of the Democratic Party

Vietnam War, urban rioting, rise of counterculture, and failure of Iranian hostage crisis hurt the public image of the Federal Government

The negative shift of the economy, decline in northern industries, and increase in taxes made many see conservative ideals in a bright way.

Unfunded Mandate - many believed the government made too many programs that were required but not paid for by the federal government

Public dissatisfaction for Great Society programs

believed great society had made poverty worse

believed affirmative action went too far

believed welfare had contributed to number of children born out of wedlock and hurt family traditions

Sagebrush rebels

believed the federal government controlled too much land in the western sates and believed states should have rights over the land for economic reasons

move of many Americans to the suburbs and away from the liberal cities

Reagan gave a speech in 1964 with the hopes of bolstering Goldwater campaign but gained much respect from conservatives

Reagan was a very good communicator and was popular amongst many Americans

SHORT-TERM factors


Many believed the issue of Stagflation of the 1970's was due to government taxing businesses and citizens too much and spending money on the wrong problems

cultural change and rise of religious groups in politics

Moral Majority

Founded by Reverend Jerry Falwell and fought for traditional family roles and against Engel V. Vitale and Roe V. Wade

reached out to Americans who had not usually participated in voting and registered 2 million new voters before 1980

Did not agree with forced busing and fought for traditional neighborhood schools which convinced many liberals to vote conservative.

Migration from the rust belt