BMO Student Banking
Mobile/Online Banking
Using the BMO banking app you can send
E-transfers, pay bills and more from anywhere online.
There are no extra fees related to this.
Students will benefit from this as they are already very busy people and now they can do banking from wherever they are which saves lots of time.
Student Lines Of Credit
No monthly or annual fees.
A low interest fee.
A line of credit is an amount of
money that the bank is willing to
lend you, you pay this back in interest and other ways.
This will help students as they may come into scenarios where they cannot pay part of a student loan or other school related thing.
Wealth Planning
Does not list extra fees
A trained professional will help and guide you in controlling your money so you can maintain your current lifestyle and achieve your future goals.
Will help greatly in deciding whether or not to use money on certain things (like line of credit or bank loan).
Credit Cards
No Extra Fees
Along with your account,
you're given a credit card to use.
This will benefit students as they can safely deposit their money somewhere and access it from a single safe spot.
BMO Alerts
No extra fees.
Regular alerts and reminders via
text and email regarding your banking.
This will benefit college students as they're often distracted and focused on multiple things at once and this will help remind them of their banking situation.
Bank Loan
Pay Interest
BMO will loan you an amount of money and the student will pay it back in small monthly amounts.
Students will benefit as if they cannot pay their student loans this will help them greatly.