trade barrier


this is a sum of money that is given by the government to relive some kind of burden and is usually given to those who need it . this is in the best interest of the public. for example if a farmer is struggling in his business in a higher industry with low prices the government with give him subsidy so they can achieve financial gain.



Currency fluctuations

a currency has value and those value frequently change. for example if demand for a currency is very high because the investors want to but exports the, so the price of the currency will increase.

Excise taxes

they are taxes paid when purchases are made on specific goods.they are mostly used in the price of the product. for example gasoline.


They are used to restrict trade, and the price of imported goods are increased. which makes them more expensive for consumers. for example, company XYZ they produce cheese in scotland and then they export it. in the united states, its costs $100 per pound.




it is a level of quality and the achievements which are acceptable. also the requirement of qualities.


it is a rule of the government that merchant ships are prohibited to go in or out of thier ports. the Magna Carta is one of the first and world's most famous embargoes.

Landed cost

the total cost of goods that have been shipped into that location. the landed cost includes the original price of the product the taxes handling etc. for examole

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