Additional Data Needed:
Record Review/No Additional Data Needed:
After Meeting:
Option 3
Option 2
Option 1
If the parents intend to register child:
Meeting Process:

Transition Roadmap Preschool to Kindergarten

Children ages 5-6 in Preschool EI will move on to a school-age program through a transition process.

By February 1st of each year:

Preschool EI programs must identify the children in their programs who are approaching the age for kindergarten or first grade in their districts.

EI programs must notify parents of the transition to school age process through a letter entailing about The Notice of Your Child’s Transition to School Age Meeting.

The Notice of Your Child’s Transition to School Age Meeting

EI team member will contact parent with a date, time, and location for a transition meeting with the SD.

Meeting will be held by the end of February.

Purpose: parents/guardians meet members of their local school district, discuss options for their child, and determine next steps.

Includes: information for parents about the meeting to discuss transition to school age, explains the parents’ option to register their child in a kindergarten program or have their child remain in Preschool Early Intervention programming for another year.

Transition Meeting

If the IEP team has already decided that a child approaching kindergarten age will remain in an Early Intervention program, then the parents and Preschool Early Intervention program can agree that a transition meeting is not necessary.

For children whose parents are uncertain, or who have decided that the child should move on to kindergarten or first grade.

School district or charter school representative must participate.

Intent to Register form

Enables parents to indicate whether they intend to register their child with the school district/

The Preschool Early Intervention program should review the available options on the form with parents during the transition meeting.

If the parents intend to register child, the EI staff will share child’s most recent Evaluation and IEP with school.

The Notice of Options For Your Child’s Transition is reviewed with parents in order for the child to receive school age special education services.

The parents and the school district agree to adopt and implement the child’s Preschool EI IEP for the new school year. School will then issue the NOREP indicating this recommendation.

Parents and the school district decide to adopt the Preschool EI IEP with revisions. The school district will then issue the revised IEP and NOREP indicating this recommendation.

Districts may conduct a re-evaluation and then develop IEP in accordance with the timelines mandated in Chapter 14.

The Reevaluation Report will summarize the data reviewed during reevaluation, the decision about whether additional data is needed, and determine a child’s continued eligibility for special education services.

An IEP meeting will be held within 30 calendar days of the Reevaluation Report.

If IEP team determines that additional data is needed, the school district will issue the Permission to Reevaluate – Consent Form to obtain parental consent to collect the additional data.

Within 60 days of the date the school district receives parental consent (not including summer days) to collect additional data; the parent will receive a copy of the Reevaluation Report. The Reevaluation Report will summarize the evaluation data and make a determination about the child’s continued eligibility for special education services.

An IEP meeting will be held within 30 calendar days of the Reevaluation Report, and a new IEP and NOREP will be issued.

Within a reasonable period of time from the receipt of the signed Intent to Register form, but no later than April 15, the school district will notify the parent in writing and initiate one of the options.

No matter the option chosen, the IEP will be implemented no later than 10 school days after its completion.

Ensures that the special education programs are not interrupted when they transition from Preschool EI programs to school-age programs.