by Meia Harris 15 years ago
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Moving to aother place could endanger the companys reputation and possibly sales if not careful.
The firm should follow the public policy at all times.
It is easy to move machinery, but moving staff is different.
Dress, food, and behavior issues should be checked and disscussed before choosing a location
The liability and responsibility of contacts should be questioned.
Health and Safety of not only a business/firm but the products as well should be checked.
There could be some language barriers and they should be considered
This is the most important factor and every firm should have good communication with no barriers. Without good communication there will be chaos.
There should be services around the firm or else they will have to go to the supplier.
Having a variety of transportations could be cost-friendly.
The firm should know whether or not it has to be near the market, or can it have a good distrubution channel.
Existing staff and promising staff should also be available to work. They should be prepared to relocate.
If bulky or expensive to move firms should stay close to their resources.
Costs vary from region to region and should be looked at.
New industrial rules and regulations put in governments could possibly give the firms overseas and advantage.
Some firms can gain a large economy of scale by moving to overseas.
The restrictions of a country in which the firm is contemplating on moving to should be considered.