Categories: All - skills - education - university - medicine

by Khyam Osorio 6 years ago


personal profile

To achieve a career as a cardiothoracic surgeon, a structured plan is essential. Starting in high school, selecting advanced courses in biology, mathematics, and chemistry is crucial.

personal profile

*note: yellow text includes an explanation of how to improve necessary skills to reach that occupation

Career Goals Timeline

Finally apply to Become a cardiothoracic surgeon in a hospital of my own choice.

Stay in the residents program for approximately an additional four years.

After receiving a license to practise medicine I must apply to become a resident in nearby hospitals.

Graduate from the medical program, then receive a license to practise medicine through the Mcat.

After receiving my undergraduate I will attend the medical program their where I will reside for an additional four years while working at a part-time job.

Attend my university of choice for four years and receiving good grades, while working at a part-time job.

Graduate high school with an average above 90%! :)

Choose and apply to a university to attend for my undergraduate degree in health sciences (western University, Mcmaster University, York University)

choose the following courses for my grade 11 and 12 years: Biology (11-University, 12-university), Mathematics (11-University, 12-functions, 12-vectors), Chemistry (11-University, 12-University), finally attend various tech-oriented courses (University).

Get a demanding part-time job allowing me to develop and improve my necessary skills for my career goal

finish grade 10 with an above 90% average

start to pick-up hobbies that involve hand-eye coordination and motor skills.

start developing necessary skills to reach career goal through becoming more involved in the school, church and community.

Personal Profile

who am I

skills required for each occupation
Microbiologist - patience - staying organized - team-working skills - innovative - calm temperament - technical skills -dependable and flexible

What skills I need to improve and how? - communication - motor skills - hand-eye coordination

Engineer - innovative - problem-solving - technical skills - team-working skills - attention to detail - creativity

What skills I need to improve and how? - work under pressure - communication - providing feedback: by taking part in class discussions I can learn to provide relevant feedback to my peers to improve their work. - self-confidence: by participating in more activities that involve me having to provide my own opinion or to have self-confidence in myself to perform tasks such as speaking in front of a group and showing others my

Cardiothoracic Surgeon - patience - calm temperament - problem-solving - capable of taking on leadership opportunities - cooperating with my colleagues

What skills I need to improve and how? - communication: I can improve this skill by writing in a journal every day or volunteering in groups allowing me to enhance my oral communication as well as writing. - decision making: this skill will be improved by obtaining a job that is fast paced and demanding thus causing me to quickly assess a situation at hand and make decisions. - hand-eye coordination: I could start to pick up a hobby involving the use of hand coordination, such as basketball, baseball or even drawing. - motor skills: through practising activities that involve hand movement, for instance, typing, writing, drawing, or hobbies that incorporate articulating a design to enhance this skill. - work under pressure: by getting a demanding or busy job will allow me to learn how to deal with pressure on the work field.

Learning Strategies: Visual Learner
How do I like to learn best? - Most prominently a visual learner - Associate images and keywords to remember the certain content - I use flashcards to remember material - Note taking - Seeing demonstrations - The use of charts, graphs, and visuals are utilized to help me understand

- ambitious - calm - curious - Humble - creative - enthusiastic - dependable - considerate - innovative - organized


- Making a positive effect on people - Creating pieces of work that is original - Public speaking - Biological sciences - Technology


- able to see the results of my work - contribute new learning to a field - being involved in helping others directly - feel my work is making a difference - have opportunities for self-development - carry out responsibilities and meet requirements - dependable and persistent - humorous - optimistic - trustworthiness


- being able to adapt to developing situations - take on leadership opportunities - staying organized - having patience - a calm temperament - capable of problem-solving - cooperating with colleagues - independent worker - able to entertain - able to memorize speeches as well as content