
Industrial -
organizational (I /O) and environmental

Industrial -organizational psychology applies
psychology to the workplace with the goal of improving the performance and well-being of employees.

Community psychology

These psychologist study how individuals
relate to thei r community, and the reciprocal effect of communities on individuals.

Health psychology

Health psychologists are concerned with
understanding how biology, behavior, and the social situation influence health and illness.

Forensic psychology

Forensic psychologists apply psychological principles to understand the behavior of
judges, attorneys, courtroom juries, and
others in the criminal justice system.

Developmental psychology

These psychologists conduct research on the cognitive, emotion al, and social changes that occur across the lifespan.

Cognitive psychology

This field uses sophisticated research
methods, including reaction time and brain imaging to study memory, language, and
thinking .

Clinical and counseling psychology

These are the largest fields of psychology. The foc us is on the assessment, diagnosis, causes,and treatment of mental disorders.

Personality psychology

These psychologists study people and the
differences among them. The goal is to
develop theories that explain t he
psychological processes of individuals, and to focus on individual differences.

School and educational psychology

This field studies how people learn in school,
the effectiveness of school programs, and the psychology of teaching.

Social and cross -
cultural psychology

This field examines people’s interactions with other people. Topics of study include
conformity, group behavior, leadership,
attitudes , and person perception.

Sports psychology

This field studies the psychological aspects of
sports behavior. The goal is to under stand the factors that influence performance in sports,
including exercise and team interactions.


The field of abnormal psychology and mental illness from a biopsychosocial perspective.

Biopsychology and nueroscience


This field examines the physiological bases of behavior in animals and humans by studying the functioning of different brain areas and
the effects of hormones and
neurotransmitters on behavior.