Categories: All - friendship - freedom - france - hope

by Christian Melone 4 years ago


Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty, crafted by Fredrick Auguste Bartholdi, was gifted to the United States by France on October 28, 1886, symbolizing the enduring friendship between the two nations.

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty

H. Closing Thought

the stachue if liberty is verry important to the usa.

G. Interesting Fact

its copper but turnd green over time

F. Interesting Fact

means freedom

E. Interesting Fact

imported from parris
why did they give this to us

lasting friendship of the two conterys

D. Why Important

and a opertunty
it shows hope
bc it shows freedom

C. Who Created it

Fredrick auguste Bartholdi

B. Year Made

oct 28, 1886

A. Define

copper stachew
What does it represent?

freedom democersry hope and opertunaty

Key Point
