Цифровізація освітнього простору Шепетівської гімназії №1


Note: This SWOT analysis is provided based on the information provided in the input. It is always recommended to gather more specific information and conduct a thorough analysis tailored to the actual context and needs of the organization.


Access to Information

Digitalization allows the school to access vast amounts of educational resources

online libraries

and digital learning materials

Enhanced Teaching and Learning

Цифрові інструменти та платформи надають можливості для інтерактивного та персоналізованого навчання

покращення залучення здобувачів освіти та збереження знань

Communication and Collaboration

Цифрові платформи сприяють ефективній комунікації між викладачами


і батьками

enabling seamless collaboration and information sharing

Efficiency and Productivity

Digitalization automates administrative tasks

such as attendance tracking and grade management

скорочення паперової роботи та економія часу педагогів

Technological Skills Development


Infrastructure and Technology Gaps

Digital Divide

Учні з малозабезпечених сімей можуть не мати доступу до персональних пристроїв або надійного підключення до Інтернету

leading to unequal access to digital learning opportunities

Resistance to Change

Some teachers may resist or struggle to adapt to digital tools and platforms

leading to a slower adoption rate and potential implementation challenges

Cybersecurity Risks

Digitalization exposes the school to potential data breaches


and privacy concerns if proper security measures are not implemented

Technical Support and Training


Remote Learning

Digitalization enables the school to offer remote learning options during unforeseen circumstances

such as natural disasters or health emergencies

Personalized Learning

Digital tools allow for individualized learning paths and adaptive assessments

catering to the diverse needs and learning styles of students

Global Collaborations

Digital platforms provide opportunities for international collaborations

дозволяючи учням підключатися

share ideas

and learn from peers globally

Parent Engagement

Digitalization facilitates improved communication between parents and teachers

надання регулярних оновлень про успішність учнів


and events

Continuous Professional Development

Digital platforms can offer teachers access to online training programs


and educational resources

enhancing their professional growth


Digital Dependency

Online Distractions

Digitalization can increase distractions

such as social media or non-educational websites

potentially affecting student focus and productivity

Inequitable Access

The digital divide could widen the education gap further if not addressed adequately

contributing to educational inequalities

Technological Obsolescence

Rapid technological advancements may render existing digital tools and platforms outdated

necessitating continuous investments in upgrading technology

Правила конфіденційності та захисту даних
