We watched a video of “ babies help unlock the origins of morality” in the baby lab and it was about if we are born to be good and nature vs nurture. The movie,“Slumdog millionaire” shows examples of this

Salim grew up poorly but he still played like little kids and had as much fun as possible but the situations he were especially put through changed him and he became not that good of a person and he was forced to

The laws permitted the freedom of religion as Jamal’s and Salim’s mom was killed among the people who were murdered because they are muslim

Their music is heavily influenced by their culture. When music was being played, it was bollywood music and dances being shown throughout the movie

Jamal’s ability to jump from their ‘toilet’ to the ground to be able to get an autograph from his favorite actor is from our evolution of primates.


There were roles in the movie as well. Salim had the role of the big brother that he was forever entitled to and always trying to protect his little brother from harm

Latika was forcefully married and she obviously had gender roles as her husband would order her around and make her make his sandwiches as if that was all she was there to do.

Primary groups of socialization: and Jamal and Salim would be the primary group. They are siblings who have went through a lot of hardships together and are really close

Primary groups would also include the brothers and Latika. Problems occured between the siblings because of Jamal’s feelings for Latika whereas Salim didn’t seem to care as much

Socialization, which is a process when someone learns the attitudes, values, and behaviours that are necessary for the society in which he or she lives in, is shown when Jamal and Salim are reunited and he works for the bad guys and has to act like them or he might get hurt

Salim and jamal were very neglected which is a type of abuse because they really lacked a lot of necessities growing up physically and mentally

During the game show all the questions Jamal got he used his prior knowledge and the experience he had went through to answer them and that is an example of anticipatory socialization

When Jamal was on the game show he faced stereotypes because on the news they were talking about how surprising a ‘kid from the slums’ was so intelligent and getting the questions right.

Jamal’s village was attacked when he was younger because they were muslim and the brother’s mother lost their mom during the attack which is demonstration of islamophobia

An upstander was shown when Jamal was showing the tourists around and a man pushed him to the ground and started yelling at him but the woman who was the tourist defended him and took action for Jamal

Obedience; When Salim pulled the gun on Maman and he submitted out of fear because he knew Salim could seriously hurt him

Bystander: When Latika went to the train station to meet up with Jamal but Javed’s men grab her before she can and Salim just let them take her even though he knew that Latika was forced to go and Jamal would be heartbroken

In anthropology they talk about older children choosing not to share prices equally with opponents and i feel like this is shown In the movie when they were running away from Maman and Salim let go of Latika’s hand because she wasn’t that important to him as Jamal is and so they got their freedom while Latika didn’t.

The biggest privilege to males are females ad this is definitely shown when Maman keeps Latika to keep dancing for him because it brings him money and it makes him feel important

Sociolinguistics was presented as well especially when Salim and Jamal would be speaking to each other in english but throw in a word of Hindi to insult someone or emphasize on something

Intuition is defined as often automatic leading to actions that occur without insight into the reasons behind them like when Jamal felt like telling Latika to come sleep in the place they had during the rain even though they didn’t know each other.


Positive operant conditioning; the kids thought that Maman would reward them for singing the whole song right but were wrong because if they did they would just get they eyes carved out with a spoon

Albert Bandura: Salim knew to throw the white bottle at one of Maman’s employees so they can be able to escape because he saw him doing it to the other kid who got his eyes scoped out

Salim and Jamal were very different and it is because of the environments they grew up in were different as they grew up without each other and in different circumstances

The id; Jamal impulsive went on to find Latika because he felt like he needed to know where she was so he searched for her even though he knew it could be dangerous

The superego; this part of our personality strives for perfection and during the game show perfection WAS what Jamal was starving for as he was thinking critically about every question.

Letta Stetter: Jamal’s intelligence was very influenced by the environment he grew up in because without all the situations he went through he probably wouldn’t have knowledge of everything he knows.

Attitude; Salim did not know how to smoke until he started hanging around the bad influences in the neighbourhood which changed his behaviour

Motivation: Jamal’s internal motivation to go “do you want to be a millionaire?” was Latika because she watched the show regularly which could give him the chance to see her again

Dr Helen Fisher in surviving the teenage brain talked about how love can be as addicting a a drug and that was shown when Jamal and Latika continued putting themselves in dangerous situations because of their love for each other

Operating conditioning; Salim started bossing other kids around because of how Maman was shaping him to be and act