Aaron Hinson - Have a Little Faith
I cherish my family most in life. My family have helped me into becoming the person I am today, while my parents have helped guide me into making decisions and guiding me into the future. I know that this my family is true as my family is always there me, and help me whenever I have a problem.
A quote that describes myself is "Be Yourself Because An Original Is worth More Than A Copy" I feel this quote describes me as I never try to be like anyone else. I am myself, an original person who does not follow anyone, and doesn't act like anyone else. A quote that describes my view on life is "I'm too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is greener." This quote describes my view on life as I do spend time looking at other people lives to see if they are better than mine, as I am working to hard on my own life, and trying my best to make it the best it can be.
I feel that the world is both fundamentally good and evil. I feel that the world is balanced from good and evil, that w we are never internally good nor evil, I believe that there is a balance of good and evil. But sometimes the good or evil can overthrow the other for a period. But eventually it will balance itself out again.
Life and Death
I believe death is the end, I believe once we are death that is truly the end. I feel going to heaven is not the new beginning as you will continue where you life in heaven where you left off, and that you do not get a reset button to redo you own life.
I am a spiritual person. I believe in god and going to heaven, I believe this because one day I would hope to see my family again in heaven. i am not a religious person as I do not go to church or pray often.
I believe that there is no true purpose of life. I believe we are brought into this world on accident or on purpose, and that we do not have a true purpose. I believe we chose to make our life the way we want it to be, and we chose what that purpose is.