addressen - billing info
article -
suchenach.. - not for candy, only
modelle mit verschiedene fusse - models w/ different feets
model varianten mr 4500 - special case for this model
modelle mit faktor - not used now
modelle familien - model family = same skeleton
modelle mit zulieferteile - models w special parts from candy
zubehor - feet/pillows
material - fabrics/leather
infotext - just a raw text to make info for material
kennzeichen material -
liefervbedinungen - terms, cost insurance
bearbeiter - when furnitech enter the order
einh - units
fehlercode_candy - ide na production etikette, ked sa vyraba novy produkt po reklamacii stareho
abios - toDelete info from candy
abpos_spezification - text mining
auftragsverwaltung - for orders
auftrag - etikettendruck, dispoliste; date termin - should be delivered, datum bestatig - confirmation from wkteam
offene auftrage - werk = wk-team, kunde = candy, all opened orders
artikel delivered and opened - how many were delivered, how many are opened
vershiedene listen - tourliste offen erstellen - planned tours, which orders go to this tour
nicht bestatige ABs - unconfirmed AB orders
rest not important
dispolisten - show or save dispolisten to excel
summenlisten - modell umsatz, for josef, elemente for production - only different when different factor is used
umsatz mit familien - grouped by family, useful for manufacturers
modell umsatz nur modell up to 6 characters to group by model numbers
wochenliste an modell auswertung exportieren - export for external program
material consumption for manufacturer
materialverbr nach produzent under rechnungsdatum (after wkteam bills candy)
tour und article
artikel - prodlist nach artikeln - how many specific artikels were in tour
kunden - candy stuff
objectkunden - candy stuff
wk-team - special reports
bezugsstoffe sortieren - for cutting fabric
ausgabeidaten erstellen - old Hubinak barcode reader output
umsatzliste nach datum - for duras only, what will be invoiced
reklas in KW/produzent - reclamations
Kissenliste - for maja
candy barcode lesen - for benco, probably not used, was used for warenpass (inventory label)
ettikettendruck candy/sprankel/diverse - beipackzettell - dokumentacia k posteliam bude sa pouzivat
produktions liefershein - candy delivery note
managementinformation - pass admin
wk-statisticen - grouped by invoice
wochenumsatz gesamt - nice statistics of umsatz
hilfsprogramme -> suche nach artickel oder material offen - what's left to produce
positionsdaten aktualizieren - aktualizacia cien z furnitechu -> odrazi sa do objednavok
rechnungsverwaltung - invoices
rechnung eingeben/bearbeiten -
erfasste positionen - will show invoices
multiple AB per invoice
berechnen = recalculate/add tour or AB into invoice
function to send to email to wkteam/candy
rechnungen wkteam - all invoicing
tagesrechnung - grouped by invoice number, daily invoices, check-in notes
schnittstelle wk-team - deprecated
zahlung eintragen
all opened invoices, here you can check if something is paid
zahlung eintragen form
quick mark invoice as paid
AB number aus rechnung stornieren
to delete AB from invoice
list of invoices
offen rechnungen
open invoices for specified dates
please pay invoices
for accounting
rechafgabe nach stoffpreis
every week send to candy to check how much material per invoice is delivered to TO
material lieferungen
how fabrics and leather are selling and prediction
zugang: candy -> wk-team
abgang: wk-team -> candy
material ruecklieferung
lether returning to candy, because of bad quality
material rechnungen
materialabzuge - difference btw the material on central warehouse and balance in candy
stand material - how much $$ candy owes wkteam
inventur NEU
browse through the material
double click for details on zugang, abgang, eingeplant
zw_stand - what's left in warehouse, planned, stand
for katarina
old/new prices of already bought leder
material umlagerungen - deprecated
candy materialpreis in ABs andern
actualization of prices of opened orders
invoice -> ABs -> Positions ~ Articles -> elements (colli)
F1 - close window / return to last used
F4 - search -> F3 results
*, ? wildcards
ctrl + pause - cancel search
searching date fields: "zwischen 01-01-08 and 02-02-08"
sort results - right click on field -> sort
werk = wk-team produzent = kroslak, benco, merasicky
POS - company that deals w reclamations for candy, candy organizes the reclamations
DB tables
ABKOPF - orders
ABPOS - positions
ABPOSTEXT - description of element for manufacturers
MAT_BET - consumption
datum termin orginal - elements manufactured, but delayed
datum bestatig - date of confirmation from wk-team
S storno
E service parts
Z additional
รค change
ist null - no value
K corpus
P pillow
Z1 feet
S1 farbe1