(Yagmur Damla ASLAN)
What is Audiolingual Method?
-The audio-lingual method, Army Method is a style of teaching that is based on behaviorist theory, which professes that certain traits of living things, and in this case humans, could be trained through a system of reinforcement; correct use of a trait would receive positive feedback while incorrect use of that trait would receive negative feedback.
It was developed in the United States, during the World War II, to be able to supply the language needs of the students who migrated to America.
1) Language forms occur most naturally with in a context.
2) Teacher uses only the target language in class.
3) Teacher uses drills to teach the lines of dialogues.
4) Students repeat the language as accurately and quickly as possible.
5) Teacher should prevent students from making mistakes.
6) No grammar rules are given. They are taught through examples and drills.
Activity Types:
1) Dialogue Memorization
2) Backward build-up drill
3) Repetition
4) Chain
5) Single-slot substitution
6) Multiple-slot substitution
7) Transformation
8) Question and answer
9) Use of minimal pairs
10) Complete the dialogue
11) Grammar game
Emphasis is mostly on the:
Speaking & Listening Skills
Then on the:
Reading & Writing Skills.
Advantages & Disadvantages
+ Learners be able speaking the target language comunicatively.
+ Learners have no difficulties to understand the lesson.
+ Learners are able to give correct response directly.
+ Learners more concern about the combination between behavioral psychology and linguistic.
- Speaking or any kind of spontaneous creative output was missing from the curriculum.
- Students lacked an active role in the classroom.
- Very little attention is paid to communication.
- Very little attention is paid to content.
- Process of learning only focus in speaking.

Teacher-based learning.
Student is mostly inactive in class.