Charter of Rights and Freedom
Fundamental freedom
Respecting the rights and freedom of others

To obey Canada's laws
Participating in the democratic process
Respecting Canada's 2 official languages
Respecting multicultural heritage
Democratic rights
To be the age of 18 and older to vote

To be a candidate
Governments hold elections every 5 years
Mobility rights
Canadian citizens have the right to enter and leave
Every citizen of Canada has the right to move and
take residence in any province
Legal rights

The right to not be unreasonably searched and not given a seizure for no valid reason
The right to not be detained or imprisoned for no reason
The right on arrest and detention
To be given the reason/s
To be released if the detention
isn't lawul
The right when charged

To be informed without a delay

To be proven innocent or guilty in a
reasonable time
To be considered innocent until proved

To not deny a reasonable bail
The right to not be given a unusual or brutal punishment
To have an interpreter if you don't speak French or English or have a speaking disability or are deaf
Equality rights
To have equal protection and benefit without discrimination of
National or ethnic origin

Mental disabilities

Physical disabilities
Official language rights
To speak English and French freely

To speak English and French in New Brunswick
Minority language educational rights
To have primary and secondary education equally