Culture Shock

What is Culture?

Culture is an integrated system of learned behavior patterns that are characteristic of members of a given society system and is also related to the menera of thinking, doing and saying, this is transmitted from generation to generation.


Culture shock can cause mood swings in people. Ejmplo: feeling of sadness and loneliness, headaches, pains, and allergies, insomnia or sleeping too much, feelings of anger, depression, vulnerability, idealizing your own culture, among others.

Types of people:


Brief visit to the foreign culture
less than 6 months


Temporary stay abroad
culture. Higher than 6 months - 5 years


Stay in the foreign culture
for ever


Forced to leave the home culture


Prepare yourself
for cultural

To cure culture shock you can: use wisdom and patience, use humour, have faith in yourself, be mentally, physically, and socially active, get sufficient rest, maintain a balanced diet, take reasonable risks, ask for help, and use friends and family as emotional support .


The Honeymoon Stage

It is about the fascination with the new environment. Although they do not understand their new environment, they enjoy the novelty of their experiences.

The Hostility Stage

This stage is characterized by frustration, anger, sadness and sometimes. They blame these feelings in their new environment, and develop negative attitudes towards people of that culture.

The Humor Stage

Con el tiempo estos individuos comienzan a relajarse en la nueva situación, y empiezan a aceptar y reírse de las diferencias que les había afectado en el pasado. Ellos aprenden a adaptarse al hacer nuevos amigos y aprender las reglas sociales de la cultura. Al encontrar el humor de su situación, que recuperan su entusiasmo por experimentar la cultura.

The Home Stage

Adaptation at this point becomes even more evident and the new place feel like home. You will feel proud and maintain their loyalty to their hometowns.

Helps to confront it

helps to recognize the problem as culture shock. It is important to remember that those suffering from the symptoms of culture shock are not alone and that experience is quite common.

Be patient and realize that it takes time to work through this process makes the culture shock tolerable.



There is a misinterpretation of social and cultural values. Also it imposes its creecias and behaviors of their society of origin and judges local customs where he arrived.


SubteThe culture shock is because people do not know the systems of rewards and punishments associated with verbal and nonverbal behaviors in the host


they can not use their own cultural references to transmit and validate the core aspects of their identity in the new culture.


They can not use their own cultural references to transmit and validate the core aspects of their identity in the new culture.