Ng Hee Erh Tyra P5 Cyber Wellness
Game Addiction
Definition: not being able to go
a day without gaming
disAdvantages: if you are addicted
your eyes will always sty awake a
and never stop you will not have
time for your friends and
family neither can you do your
Advantages:its very fun
Cyber Chat
Definition: Cyber Chat
is an online
messaging on the
Advantages:you can keep
in contact with your friends
and loved ones overseas
Disadvantages:your chat
could be hacked by a
stranger that can make
you type things or pretend
to be the person you are
talking to.
Cyber Crime
Definition: hacking online to cheat
Advantages: -NIL-
Disadvantages:you will get
caught by authorities or the
cyber police.
Definition: copying something
online without permission.
Advantages: you can do
your PowerPoint very easily
Disadvantages: if you
forget to put credits
you will get caught by
cyber police a,get a fine
and or get a lawsuit.
Cyber Bully
Definition : bullying someone online
Disadvantages: if that
someone gets hurt really
badly they might call the police