Demographic indicators_Lucía de la Torre Veguillas 2nA
Birth Rate
It's the number of births in a population in a year
Formula: number of births/number of inhabitants · 1000
Factors that affect this indicator:
- Women have their first baby at later age.
- Women join the workforce.
- The widespread use of contraceptives.
- The cost of bringing up children.
- Changes in social values.
- A decline in the young population.
Death Rate
It's the number of deaths in a population in a year
Formula:number of deaths/number of inhabitants
Factors that affect this indicator:
- Medical advances is preventing illnesses
- Better diet and nutrition
- Improved hygiene
- Healthier lifestyles
- Better working conditions
- Longer life expectancy
Fertility rate
It's the estimated average number of children a woman will have in her life
Formula: number of births/number of women between 15 and 49 years old ·1000
- To ensure generational replacement of
the population, women need to have at
least 2 children.
Life expentancy
It's the number of years a person is expected to live
The live expentancy in men and women:
Men: 80 years old Women: 86 years old
Natural population growth

It's the difference between the number of births and deaths in one place.
Formula: number of births-number of deaths/number of inhabitants
It can cause a place to gain or lose population
Emigrants: people that come to live to a place from another country.
Immigrants: people that live their own country to go to live to another place.