Dominant and Recessive Genes
learned in 7th grade sciencei think there were some reconsolidation errors with this memory because the activity was so interactive and different than other types of learning I was used to that I got caught up in the activity and altered some of the information I gained without realizing it.
my teacher started with asking us questions about what traits we shared with our family members-episodic
wrap up
our teacher ended the lesson with explaining how we are all made of recessive and dominant traits and they are what make us who we are. she connected the activity to real information to help us understand it better.semantic memory
my teacher gave us these slips of paper to put on our tongues. some of us could taste the bitterness, but others couldn't. she explained that these are traits that are passed down and if we could taste them then at least one of our parents could.episodic and semantic memoryincluded our senses to help us remember
my teacher explained how dominant and recessive traits work. she explained what they both mean and how they can be passed onsemantic memory
my teacher has us then share our traits with those around us and see what we all had in commonepisodic memory