Early Modern Ages

Economic Changes

Primary Sector

Agriculture continued to be the main economic activity

The primary sector was the least developed

They used Three-field system

Secondary Sector

Artisan guilds established and controlled prices

They used the domestic system


Trade grew thanks to the development of the primary and secondary sector

The most important change was the arrival of new products from America

They used American silver to create coins and stimulate the economy

Political Changes

Collect more taxes due to the increase in agriculture and craft production

His goal was to gain more power at the expense of the nobles

In the authoritarian monarchy, the nobles had to obey the monarch

The following institutions allowed the monarch to have more strength:

Royal Government

Royal Army

Diplomatic Corps

This new political organization was called the modern state.

Historic Events

The discovery of America

In 1492 the Spanish discovered America and conquered it.

The invention of the printing press

In the year 1440, the printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.

Social Changes

Unprivileged Estates

The bourgeoisie began to have more power and the nobles less

Most worked on the land

The urban population grew during this time thanks to the development of craft

Privileged Estates

It was made up of the nobility and the clergy

Only they could choose to get a good position in politics


The woman continued to have a low social status

Women had to obey their husbands

Cultural Changes

Interest in Classical Culture

Greek and Roman culture became the reference point


Humans were the center of philosophical reflection and artistic creation

Optimism and Creativity

They believed in a better life and their creativity resulted in many inventions

The Desire For Knowledge

Humanists are not satisfied with knowing about a single area. I wanted to know everything

Critical Thinking

People began to question thoughts and tried to explain natural phenomena