energy water
defect energy hydropower

Addressing areas (forests or agricultural areas)

Interference in the environment
degradation of plant safety
The displacements of the population (related to construction)

Changing the biological structure in rivers

Climate change (visible after a few years)
advantages of energy hydropower
Low cost of ownership
a lower cost of generating electricity

No environmental pollution
Location- small hydropower plants
tanks may be used as a water supply
Improved efficiency
Development of water sports
Over 70% of the surface of our globe is covered with water.It is absolutely essential for the existence of life, but also a great battery power.Among the first devices processing power, we can replace the water flowing water wheels used for irrigation or as a driving force in mills.In Poland, the reference to the first wheel aqueous come from Łęczycy of 1145 years, where the wheel is has been used to drive the mill. In the sixteenth century in Poland can be added to as many as 3,000 water wheels of various types