H-bonds only happen in polar molecules
good for the body
ester linkage
amino group, hydroxyl group, R group
Glycerol philic and hydrocarbons phobic
how base pairs of DNA interact with eashother

Exam 1

Basic Chemistry


Hydrogen Bonds

Van der waal's

Hydro "phobic" and "philic"




Covalent- e- shared


O-H , O-C , N-H

Water (H2O) Emergent properties

Cohesion and adhesion behavior

Water transport up trees

High surface tension for bugs to walk on water

High specific heat

Regulates temp well

Heat of vaporization (high)

When water evaporates it releases heat

Expands when a solid

Exhibits permanent hydrogen bonding and a lattice structure

Denser as a liquid

Exhibits temporary hydrogen bonding

Universal solvent

Hydration shell


C-C , O-O , C-H

Ionic- e- taken

Na+ Cl-

Strength order L --> G Van der Waals, hydrophobic, hydrogen, Ionic, Covalent


Structural- same chemical formula, but different arrangement of atoms

Geometric- Same geometric structure but different spacial configurations

Cis-isomer- similar molecules are on the same side

Trans-isomer- similar molecules are on different sides

Enantiomers- Mirror images of eachother

pH Scale


10^x = x is the pH level

Opposite of the pOH scale

Exam 2


RNA Polymerase

separates two strand of DNA and joins
complimentary RNA nucleotides together to form the RNA strand


the sequence of DNA where the initiation complex forms in eukaryotes


RNA pol attaches her and starts transcription


this sequence signals the end of transcription

RNA Processing

a 5' cap and 3' tail is added to the RNA transcript

Transcription Initiation Complex

complex of transcription factors and RNA pol 2 bound to the the promoter

RNA Splicing

the pre-mrna strand is spliced: exons stay in and introns are spliced out

Transcription Factors

proteins that help with the binding of RNA
polymerase to the promoter to initiate transcription


proteins responsible for splicing RNA


non-coding segments of nucleotides that lie between exons (coding regions)


coding segments of nucleotides that are later expressed into amino acids







Maltose- Glucose 2x

Sucrose- Glucose+Fructose


Cellulose (beta)
OH alternating

b(1-4) plants

Starch (alpha)
OH on bottom


(OH down)

Beta (OH up)



Saturated fats

More hydrogen

Bad for your body

Unsaturated fats

Less hydrogen




Micelles- used in


HDL good LDL bad


Main chain
N,C,H terminus

primary- order of amino acids

secondary- interactions of N, C terminus

tertiary- interactions of R groups

quaternary- combination of tertiary (dimer)

Side chain
R group

Nucleic Acids


DNA- (the sugar lacks an oxygen)

Nucleoside- no phoshate

Nucleotide- with phosphate





NEED TO MEMORIZE- Hydroxyl (OH), Carbonyl (CO), Carboxyl (COOH), Amino (NH2), Sulfhydryl (SH), Phosphate (PO3), Methyl (CH3)

Carbon Skeletons

Chains- Long and short



Double Bonds

DNA Repliclation


Replication of DNA starts here


Nucleotide sequence produced first in DNA synthesis made of RNA

Replication Fork

Y shaped region found in both directions of DNA replication after DNA is unwounded


unwinds DNA


enzymes that relieves stress at the ends of unwound strands to reduce

Single Stranded Binding Protein

binds to the unwinded strands to prevent the rebinding of them


starts an RNA chain complimentary to DNA strand , makes multiple one at a time


joins Okazaki fragments together

Leading Strand

made 5' to 3' continuously, uses one primer and DNA polymerase 3 elongates

Lagging Strand

made of Okazaki fragments, made discontinously

DNA polymerase

DNA polymerase 1

enzyme that removes RNA primer and replaces them with DNA nucleotides

DNA polymerase 3

elongates the RNA primer 5' to 3' by writing complimentary DNA



translates mrna sequence using the triplet code


nucleotide bases complimentary to the coding mrna strand

Aminoacyl-TRNA synthesase

enzyme responsible for matching the correcting amino acid with a tRNA

ribosomal RNA

where the elongation of the polypeptide occurs. Consists of a small subunit and a large submit. Made of RNA and proteins

Peptidyl Transferase

enzyme takes the amino acid and adds it to the existing polypeptide chain

Exam 3

Gene expression and Regulation

DNA Packaging

Histones - beads on a string (DNA wraps around it twice - histones used: H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4

10-nm fiber: DNA winds around histones to form nucleosome "beads" / strung together using linker DNA

Gene regulatikon in Euk

Differential gene expression - Human cell expresses 20% of genes at a time and genes expressed in different cells are different


Heterochromatin: highly compact / no genes expressed

Euchromatin: Less compaction / genes expressed

Control Sequences in DNA

Proximal control elements: Sequences in DNA close to promoter

Distal control elements: Sequences in DNA upstream or downstream of gene - may even be located in an intron
ex. Enchancers

Transcription Factors - present inside the nucleus, waiting to be active

General Transcription Factors - leads to low (basal level of transcription)

Specific Transcription Factors - activators (lead to increased expression or high lvl) and repressors (leads to low or basal lvl of expression)

Combinatorial control of gene expression - basically you need to have to specific available activators bound to the enchancers in order to express a gene

Example: In a liver cell, Albumin gene is expressed b/c it has the necessary activators on the enhancers, but it doesn't express crystallin (in the eye) b/c there aren't any activators present for it

Gene Expression

Regulation of Gene expression in Prokaryotes - Operons

Operons - A cluster of functionally related genes can be under a coordinated control of a single on-off "switch

"Switch" is a segment of DNA called an Operator, which is usually in the promoter

Enchancers are the switch in Eukaryotes

Positive Regulation - Activator bound to operator = transcription / activator not bound = no transcription

Negative Regulation - Repressor not bound to operator = transcription / repressor bound to operator = no transcription

Lac operon (both neg. and pos. regulation) components

Promoter -> lacI+ -> Terminator -> Promoter -> Operator -> lacZ+ -> lacY+ -> lacA+ -> Terminator

LacI+ is always ON and making high levels of mRNA - which means it is constitutive

Structural genes: lacZ (beta-galactosidase - turns lactose into galactose and glucose), lacY (permease - opens the cell to allow lactose to come in), and lacA (transacetylase - adds an acetyl group to lactose or any other molecule)

Lac Operon ON only when lactose is present
Lac Operon OFF when glucose is present or if there is an absense of lactose

Trp Operon (looks very similar to lac operon and is a form of neg. regulation)
Trptophan present = trp operon off
Trptophan absent = trp operon on

Cell Cycle Regulation (cancer)

Cell Cycle Regulators

Cyclins: Structureally and functionally related proteins required in cell cycle function in Eukaryotes

CDKs (cyclin-dependent kinases): a kinases that depend upon cyclin (cyclin bound to CDK)

Cyclin dictates which target protein will be phosphorylated by the CDK - ctrl of cell cycle thru phosphorylating other proteins

MPF: maturation promoting factor or M-phase promoting factor - G2 to M transition

Cyclin increases from G2 to M and MPF increases w/ it thru M phase

CDK is recycled throughout cell cycle, but cyclin will degrade after M phase.

Cancer Cell Traits

Does not Anchorage dependence (in which cells must be attached to a substratum to divide)

Does not have density-dependent inhibition (in which crowded cells stop dividing)

Do not respond normally to body's control mechanisms

Do not need growth factors to grow and divide (they can make their own growth factor, convey a growth factor signial w/o the actual factor, and have abnormal cell cycle control system

1)Uncontrolled cell growth
2) Accumulation and propagation of mutants
3) Ability to invade and distrupt local and distant tissues
4) Loss of density dependent inhibition and anchorage dependence)

Genes associated with Cancer

Oncogenes (mutated version of proto-oncogene) - cancer-causing genes

Proto-oncogenes - normal genes that code for proteins that stimulate normal cell growth and division

RAS protein: a type of G-protein that when mutated becomes hyperactive Ras protein, which issues signals on its own

Tumor-Suppressor Genes - encode proteins that inhibit abnormal cell division

p53 - a transciption factor - if defective or missing, it cannot activate transcription

BRCA 1 and BRCA2 - breast cancer

Cancer development
1) Polyp - small benign growth
2) Adenoma - larger benign growth
3) Carcinoma - malignant tumor

Cell Signaling and Proteins

Cell Communication

1) Physical contact (cell touching)
2) Local signaling - releasing a signal (like paracrine or synaptic signaling)
3) Long Distance signaling (hormonal signaling across the body)

Signal Molecule Receptor

Signal molecule nonpolar/hydrophobic - receptor inside cytoplasm or nucleus (like TESTOSTERONE signaling)

Signal molecule polar/hydrophilic - receptor on the membrane (g-protein linked, tyrosine kinase, ion channel receptors)
Needs second messengers

G-protein coupled receptor

1) Signal molecule binds to receptor and activates it
2) Inactive G-protein binds to receptor and turns GDP to GTP to be active
3) Active G-protein binds to Adenylyl cyclase and activates it
4) Cellular response occurs and inorganic phosphate is removed from G-protein, making it inactive again
5) Back to beginning state

Tyrosine Kinase Receptor

1) Two signal molecules bind to tyrosine receptors, causing the two receptors to become a dimer
2) Activated tyrosine-kinase regions become phosphorylated using ATP (unphoshorylated)
3) Fully activated receptor tyrosine-kinase (phosphorylated dimer)
4) Activated relay proteins bind to receptor and create cellular responses
5) Repeats

Ion channel receptor

1) Signal molecule binds to ion channel receptor (ligand-gated for example)
2) Gate opens, letting in ions into the cell for cellular response
3) Eventually, signal molecule unbinds and the gate closes
4) Repeats


After first messenger (signal molecule) binds to GPCR to eventually activate adenylyl cyclase, tranduction occurs


1) Adenylyl cyclase turns ATP to cAMP (second messenger)
2) cAMP binds to its first protein kinase, which would add a phosphate group to the next kinase
3) Phophatases removes the phosphate groups from the proteins after use
4) Repeats until the a specific protein is reached and produces a cellular response


2) Transduction (phosphorylation cascade)
3) Response using transcription factor in nucleus

Synaptic Signaling

1) Action potential reaches a terminal (first messenger I think)
2) Ca2+ enters neuron (second messenger)
3) Triggers neurotransmitters to be released and taken in by the ligand-gated ion channels on the other neuron
4) Repeats

Proteins and Diffusion

Transmembrane, peripheral, and integral proteins

Overview of protein functions

1) Transport
2) Enzymes
3) Signal Transduction
4) Cell-Cell Recognition
5) Intercellular Joining
6) Acctachment of cytoskeleton and ECM

Active Transport (requires protein

Facilitated Transport

Simple Diffusion

Cell Cycle


G1 Phase

S Phase

G2 Phase

Cell synthesizes proteins
needed for cell division
(two centrosomes, nucleus
envelope seen, one or more

Mitosis (M phase)


1) Gradual condensation of chromosomes
2) Sister chromatids
3) Nucleoli begin to break down/disappear
4) Mitotic spindle begins to form
Centrosomes move apart to opp ends


1) Degradation of nuclear envelope
2) Microtubules extend from each centrosome and attach to the kinetochore on chromosome
3) Kinetochore of unattached sister chromatid associates w/ other microtubule
4) Two sister chromatids oriented - opp poles (stable arrangement)


Also known as the "Middle" stage (longest stage)
1) Centrosome at opposite ends
2) Chromosomes align center of cell between poles at 90o angle - metaphase plate
3) Sister chromatids facing opp poles


Shortest phase (sister chromatids move)
1) Separation of sister chromatids are pulled toward opp pole - disjunction
2) Genetic info at two poles is the same


Begins during anaphase and ends after telophase - cytoplasm division

In animals, a cleavage furrow forms from pinching. In plants, a cell plate forms using vesicles.


1) Spindle fibers disperse
2) Nuclear envelope forms around group of chromosomes at each pole
3) One or more nuecleoli reappear
4) Chromatids - decondense - tangled mass of chromatin - mitosis - division of one nucleus into two nuclei

End product - Two genetically identical cells with the same number of chromosomes (somatic cells)

Meiosis 1

A special form of cell division that produces gametes - occurs in reproductive organs - each gamete has one set of autosomes and one sex chromosome

Separation of homologous chromosomes

Prophase 1

Three events unique to meiosis
1) Synapsis and crossing over in prophase 1 (homologous chromosomes physically connect and exchange genetic info
2) Homologous pairs at the metaphase plate
3) Separation of homologs during anaphase 1

Metaphase 1

Anaphase 1

Telophase 1 and cytokinesis

Two haploid cells form - each chromosomes still has two sister chromatids

Meiosis 2

Same as Mitosis- separation of sister chromatids

Prophase 2

Metaphase 2

Anaphase 2

Telophase 2 and cytokinesis

End product - Four (haploid) genetically different cells with half the chromosomes compared to the beginning (germ cells)

DNA synthesis occurs, and
DNA replication results in
duplicated chromosomes

Cell growth, accumulates
materials for DNA synthesis





Autosomes - 22 pairs of chromosomes that do not determine sex

Homologous chromosomes - 2 chromosomes with genes for the same traits (one from each parent)

Allele - alternate forms of genes located on homologous chromosomes

Karyotype - arrangement of chromosomes in pairs starting with the longest chromosome (usually in prometaphase)

Diploid/Haploid - 2n is two sets (2n=46 for humans) and n is a single set usually for gametes (n=23 for humans)

Somatic Cells - mitotically dividing and Go
-arrest cells, diploid in nature, cells of the body

Germ Cells - Gamete cells (sex cells/sperm & egg), undergo meiosis, haploid in nature

Amylopectin (branching)
a(1-4) branches at a(1-6) plants

amylose (no branching)
a(1-4) plants

Glycogen (extensive branching)
a(1-4) branches at a(1-6) animals