Healthy Eating Influences

Some media and companies advertise unhealthy foods that encourage children and adults to eat unhealthy food or their product or store

Try not to let the media influence you, and tech your children about healthy eating .
They may use certain people you like to influence you have a certain product or food for example sports drinks advertise with famous athletes in the NBA.
They might also influence you to try things like diet programs by advertising with celebrities
Instead of going on a diet use the food guide to help you make sure your getting the correct number of servings and to help you lose weight

Psycological Health
How you are mentally can affect what you eat and how much of it, for example if you are upset you may eat more and less healthy food
When feeling upset or angry, don't eat your problems talk to friends or find an activity that you enjoy to do and participate in it
Some people who have money may choose to buy or eat out healthy food instead of making at home
Make food at home, take classes or have someone help or tecah you how to cook some food.
Some people buy unhealthy food because its cheaper than healthy food.

Budget your money to eat out less that way you have more money to buy healthy food instead

Physiological Health
The weight you have and your metabolism or if you have or any diseases can affect your choice of what you eat
People maybe overweight or have a slow metabolism so they more healthy food or try a diet to lose some weight
People might have certain health issues so they can only eat certain foods for example some people cant eat dairy or gluten products

Family and Friends
Family influences myself and many people to eat healthy food.
Friends influence people to eat the same foods as them if it's healthy or unhealthy.

Personal Preferences
Some people only eat certain foods and wont eat something healthy because they don't like the taste
Some people are allergic to certain foods that could be healthy or unhealthy so they wont be able to eat them