History - Population, Growth and an Expanding Economy c.900-1300
Population first doubled to 73 million
then dramatically slashed...
Population figures also relate to climate - warm period is same time as population growth. this is not causal.
Factors determining size and control...
Birth rate (fertility) can be effected by famine
Age of marriage important
End of slavery and concept of monastacism
Death rate: No modern medicine, vulnerable to disease.
Fluctuating death rate related to food supply and diet.
Movement and Migration
Search for food
Better Lands
Overall problem...
To get better food production you need more labour, to get more labour you need more food. VICIOUS CIRCLE
What did people do?
Numerous empty spaces between villages, can sow there.
Forests cleared to make room for people.
People began to argue as areas filled up, so people explored further.
People moved long distances: eg Christians during Crusades + Normans into Sicily
The consequences of all this...
Growth of trade controlled by Lords
In towns each one is granted an aspect of trade
In England, towns have anglo-origins.
Expansion of towns was at the same time as rural expansion.
Urban Origins: Roman Legacy
Markets also developed - so towns followed.
Usually developed around churches
PLANNED TOWNS - deciding to create a town on an estate, e.g SALISBURY ... relocation in 1220