How did the government react? Cholera
Cholera was deadly and swift and endendered fear, the governmnet had to act.
What did the Board of Health do?
Whatd did the Local boards do?
What davice did the Board of Health give?
In 1831 governmnet sent two medical commissioners to St Petersburg to assess the situation.
Thier report led toa temporary Board of Health
4 fellows of the Royal college of physicians
Superintendent -General of Quarantine
Consisting of a president
Director General of the Army medical Department
Medical Commisiioner of the Victualling Office
advised local governments to set up thier own boards of health - grass roots level
local boards should appoint district inspectors to report on;
suggested that these local boards should comprise of;
some 'subsatantial householders'
food, clothing and bedding of the poor
Ventilation of thier dwelling space
houses to be whitewashed and limed, infected furniture and colhing to be fumigated
Temopary fever hospitals were to be set up
People with cholera to place under strict qurantine
Food and Flanel clothing to be distributed to the poor
In ignorance about cause, it suggested a variety of remedies
Warm baths; folowed by rubs of castor oil and laudanum
Plasters of mustard, peppermint and hot turpentine
central govt for the 1st time, oficcilay recognised that clenlines, adeqaute clothing and food were necessary factors in public health
cities did set up board as suggested
Local boards were only tempoaray
inspectors who submitted reports in turn sent to the central board
tended to be information gathering, not disease prevention or cure
Insist that people co-operate with them?
Could individuals be compelled to have thier houses limed?
In 1832 Temorary Cholera Acts were passed
allowed local authorities to enforce some measures and to finance them from poor rates
Disbanded after the first cholera epidemic in 1832
Local action was haphazard
Could children be seperated form thier parents and sent to fever hospitals?